Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia


Three questions for...

Tri pitanja za...

Simona Đukića, kopilota

Simon Đukić, first officer

Koja bi destinacija bila najbolja po vašem mišljenju u maju?

In your opinion, which destination would be the best in May? “There are many attractive destinations to which our national airline offers its services. In the idyllic springtime of May, I think it’s best to enjoy the Spanish coastal cities

– Postoje mnoge atraktivne destinacije do ko- jih naš nacionalni avio-prevoznik pruža svoje uslu- ge. U prolećnoj idili maja mislim da je najlepše uživati

u španskim primorskim gradovima Valensiji ili Malagi. A za one kojima je Balkan bliži srcu od Pirineja Solun je uvek najbolji izbor! Letite na „ATR-u“, a Er Srbi- ja je upravo dobila svoj osmi avion tog tipa. Kako se vama čine nove letelice? – Novi ATR avioni koji su pristi- gli u našu flotu predstavljaju bit- no pojačanje pred veoma intenziv- nu letnju sezonu koja nas očekuje. Opremljeni su najsavremenijom tehnologijom i znatno olakšava- ju korišćenje istih u odnosu na sta- rije serije. Koliko daleko može da leti „ATR“ i koliko je udoban? – „ATR 72“ serije 600 ima do- met od 830 nautičkih milja, što je 1.537 kilometara. Odlično je koti- ran u svim zapisima još od sada već davne 1988. godine kada je pr- vi „ATR 72“ proizveden i ispunjava sve potrebne standarde kao i svaki drugi tip vazduhoplova iz Er Srbijine flote. Naravno, tu je i udobnost ko-

of Valencia or Malaga. And for tho- se who are fonder of the Balkans than the Pyrenees, Thessaloniki is always the best choice!” You fly ATR aircraft, and Air Serbia has just welcomed its eighth plane of that type. How would you rate the new arrival? “The new ATRs that have joined our fleet represent important rein- forcements ahead of the very inten- se summer season that awaits us. They are equipped with the latest te- chnology and that tech is much mo- re user friendly compared to the ol- der series.” How far can an ATR fly and how range of 830 nautical miles, which is 1,537 kilometres. It rates highly in all records dating all the way back to 1988, when the first ATR 72 was pro- duced, and meets all required stan- dards, just like every other type of air- craft in the Air Serbia fleet. Of course, there’s also the comfort we want to comfortable is the aircraft? “The ATR 72-600 series has a

ju želimo da pružimo putnicima na svakom letu, a za koju je zadužena naša uvek besprekorno posvećena i nasmejana kabinska posada.

provide passengers on every flight, and which is the res- ponsibility of our always flawlessly devoted and smiling cabin crew.

U prolećnoj idili maja mislim da je najlepše uživati u španskim primorskim gradovima Valensiji ili Malagi In the idyllic springtime of May, I think it is best to enjoy the Spanish coastal cities of Valencia or Malaga

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