Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia

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ER SRBIJA U MARTU PREVEZLA 36 HILJADA PUTNIKA VIŠE NEGO U ISTOM MESECU 2023. / AIR SERBIA CARRIED 36,000 MORE PASSENGERS IN MARCH, YEAR-ON-YEAR Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija je u martu prevezla 271.102 putnika, što je povećanje od 15 odsto u poređenju sa istim mesecom prošle godine / Air Serbia carried a total of 271,102 passengers in March 2024, marking an increase of 15 per cent compared to the same month of 2023

THE SERBIAN NATIONAL AIRLINE operated 3,018 flights during March, eight per cent mo- re than in March 2023. This is Air Serbia’s best March result since 2013, when the company relaunc- hed under its current name. “The first quarter of 2024 was successful for Air Serbia. During the first three months, we carried over 750,000 passengers, which is 110,000 more passengers, ye- ar-on-year. Additionally, we ope- rated 16 per cent more flights compared to the number of flights in the first three months of 2023. We expect to soon carry our one-millionth passenger in 2024. In comparison, this number of pa- ssengers was only reached la- ter in 2023, on 8 th May. The good monthly and quarterly results de- light us and motivate us to provi- de our passengers with even more opportunities and a better custo- mer experience during the sum- mer season, which in aviation be- gan on 31 st March,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. The most popular destinati- ons in the Air Serbia network du- ring March 2024 were Zurich, Pa- ris, Rome, Amsterdam, Milan and Vienna, when it comes to We- stern Europe, and Podgorica, Tivat and Ljubljana in the region, whi- le the most popular services in the broader Euro-Mediterranean zo- ne were to Athens, Barcelona and Istanbul.

SRPSKA NACIONALNA AVIO-KOMPANIJA je tokom mar- ta obavila 3.018 letova, odnosno 8 odsto više nego u martu 2023. go- dine. To je najbolji martovski rezul- tat Er Srbije od 2013. godine, od kada kompanija posluje pod sadaš- njim imenom. – Prvi kvartal 2024. godine bio je uspešan za Er Srbiju. Tokom pr- va tri meseca prevezli smo pre- ko 750.000 putnika, odnosno 110.000 putnika više nego u istom kvartalu prethodne godine. Pored toga, obavili smo 16 odsto više le- tova u poređenju sa brojem leto- va u prva tri meseca 2023. godine. Očekujemo da ćemo uskoro preve- sti milionitog putnika u 2024. godi-

ni. Poređenja radi, taj broj putnika u 2023. godini zabeležen je tek 8. maja. Dobri mesečni i kvartalni re- zultati nas raduju i motivišu da to- kom letnje sezone, koja je u avijaciji počela 31. marta, našim putnicima pružimo još više mogućnosti i bo- lje korisničko iskustvo – rekao je Jir- ži Marek, generalni direktor srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije. Najpopularnije destinacije u mreži Er Srbije u martu 2024. go- dine, kada je reč o zapadnoj Evro- pi, bile su Cirih, Pariz, Rim, Amster- dam, Milano i Beč. U regionu to su Podgorica, Tivat i Ljubljana, dok su u široj evromediteranskoj zoni naj- traženiji letovi bili do Atine, Barselo- ne i Istanbula.

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