Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia

To Madrid for flamenco

Madrid won’t let you down. Its cultural offer ranges from free-entry museums to the most exclusive VIP zones, but “Madrid en Danza” is why the Spanish capital is at its best in May, when it becomes the European centre of dan- ce thanks to its international dance festival. This year’s edition takes place from 9th to 26 th May and includes performances held at al- ternative venues, private theatres and other spots across the city. Each year, the Madrid en Danza festival manages to fuse the new and the established through a programme that inc- ludes important figures from the world of dan - ce and promising newcomers. The festival’s main objective is to showcase the new aest- hetics and themes of national dance, with an emphasis on flamenco… Because Madrid is the capital of flamenco, it is the place to be for anyone striving to suc- ceed in this dance genre. The city offers a wi- de range of shows every day of the week, from grand performances in the city's theatres, to small song & dance recitals in tablaos or halls. The tradition is today continued by tablaos (flamenco bars), which provide opportunities every evening to watch flamenco in its purest form, while enjoying drinks or a fine meal. Moreover, until 17 th May, El Águila Hall is ho- sting an exhibition spanning 150 years of sin- ging, guitar playing and dance in Madrid: from its flamenco houses to historic dance acade- mies. The FLAMENCO Chipén exhibition is di-

Flamenko u Madridu ne može se razumeti bez obilaska Teatra Pavon, prve flamenko kuć e osnovane u Španiji / Flamenco in Madrid cannot be understood without visiting the Teatro Pavón, the first flamenco house established in Spain

vided into five sections, co - vering the history of dance, guitar playing and singing in the city. The first documented reference to flamenco is used as a starting point: an article published in the El Espectador newspaper in 1847 by the na- me of Un cantante flamenco (A Flamenco Singer). The exhibition includes po- sters, costumes from lea- ding performers, such as Paco de Lucía, archive do- cuments and press articles, but also photographs. In this history that spans a cen- tury and a half, Madrid has played a key role from its ori- gins, serving to inspire aspi- ring flamenco artists.

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