Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia



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Palma de Majorka je jedan od najvećih turi - stičkih centara u Španiji, tako da možete biti bez brige znajući da ovo ostrvo ima da ponu - di ponešto za svakog. Plaže su bajkovite, mo - re toplo, tu je mnogo istorijskih znamenitosti koje treba obići i prekrasnih predela koje tre - ba istražiti. Ako na odmor odete van sezone, uživaće - te u miru i spokoju koje ovo ostrvo pruža, što je idealno za posetioce koji dolaze s porodi- cama ili solo putnike koji bi možda i da ra - de kada nisu na plaži. Brodovi često voze iz - među Majorke i evropske prestonice žurki, pa lako možete isplanirati posetu. Ako putujete s klincima, uvek ih možete odvesti u neki od mnogobrojnih akva-parkova i dati im priliku da vide orke, delfine i ostale životinje. Za one koji vole aktivne odmore, uvek su tu priobalne pećine koje možete obići brodom, kao i mno - ge istorijske znamenitosti. Noćni život na Majorci je takođe nešto što se pamti, ali ako ste raspoloženi za ludu žur - ku i izlet, preporučujemo da posetite Ibicu. Ovo malo balearsko ostrvo je preraslo u svo- jevrsnu legendu i postalo sinonim za nezabo- ravan prevod. Ibica, međutim, ima da ponudi mnogo više od klubova, koktela i prvoklasnih di-džejeva. Ako ste ljubitelj toplog mora, zlat - nih peščanih plaža, prirode od koje zastaje dah, kao i bogatog istorijskog nasleđa, Ibica je idealna destinacija. Na Majorku zbog Ibice

To Majorca because of Ibiza

Palma de Mallorca, aka Majorca, is among Spa- in’s top tourist centres, so you can rest assured that this island offers something for everyone. The beaches are fairytale-like and the sea is warm, while there are many interesting histo- rical sites that you should visit and stunning landscapes worth exploring. If you head the- re on holiday during the off-season, you’ll enjoy the peace and tranquillity that this island offers, which is ideal for families or solo trave- llers wanting to work when they’re not enjoying the beach. Ships run regularly between Major- ca and the European party capital that is Ibiza, so you can easily plan your visit. If you’re holi- daying with kids, you can always take them to one of the many water parks and give them the chance to see killer whales, dolphins and ot- her marine animals. For those seeking an acti- ve break, there are always coastal caves that you can visit by boat, as well as many sites of historical significance. Majorca also has nigh - tlife that’s worth remembering, but if you’re up for crazy parties and excursions, we recom - mend a visit to Ibiza. This small Balearic island has developed into a legendary destination that’s synonymous with unforgettable nightli- fe. However, Ibiza has much more to offer than nightclubs, cocktails and first-class DJs. Ibiza is the ideal destination for fans of warm seas, golden beaches, breathtaking nature and a rich historical heritage.

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