Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia

OLYMPIANS AT THE OLYMPICS ONLY AN EXCLUSIVE FEW CAN SAY that they’ve participated in two Olym- pics in one calendar year, but they do exist! And nowhere more so than in Ser- bia! At the Culinary Olympics in Stutt- gart, held at the beginning of the year, Serbia’s Junior Chefs Club achieved un- precedented success. Led by captain Branislav Joksić, they won two bronze medals in the junior national team com- petition in the categories of Chef's Table and Restaurant of Nations.

CARRIED ON THE WAVE OF THIS TRI- UMPH , the Association of Young Chefs and Confectioners of Serbia (JCC) will reach the Paris Olympics, to be held from 26th July to 11th August. Specifical- ly, our country will be presented through the “Serbian House” project, which will promote every Serbian success: achievements in science, applications of modern technologies, EXPO 2027, the sporting history of Serbia, including the results and medals of our Olympi- ans, Serbian cultural heritage and gas- tronomy. THIS IS WHERE THE JUNIOR CHEFS CLUB , which stands out for its continu- ous efforts and dedication since its es- tablishment, appears on the scene. Its members have excelled in top-lev- el competitions like the Culinary World Cup and Culinary Olympics, and have presented their work and announced the upcoming Food Vision by Open Bal- kan at Vinitaly in Verona and the Week- end Food Festival in Rovinj. Their grand finale will come during the 2024 Olym- pics, when – as unique culinary am- bassadors – they will present this re- gion’s most delicious specialities under the scope of the Serbian House project. They will cook traditional dishes with a modern twist, using modern prepara- tion techniques. IT IS WIDELY KNOWN THAT SERBS ARE GOOD HOSTS . Testifying to this claim are the many tourists from across the globe who enjoy the hospitality of our

friendly hosts in increasing numbers year on year. “In Serbia, after they feed you, they pack food and drinks for you to take home” – this is the kind of com- ment that can be found on various trav- el-promoting Instagram pages. Serbian gastronomy will this time em- bark on a voyage together with our Olympians. Visitors to the Serbian House in Paris will have an opportunity to sample everything they’ve previously heard about. Our most talented young chefs, representing the JCC, will reveal the charms of the gastronomy of this re- gion to the world. OF COURSE, GOOD FOOD REQUIRES A GOOD DRINK . Apart from history, tra- dition and culture, Serbia is also widely renowned for its rakija. For centuries, this spirit has been part of the Serbian na- tional heritage that is the pride of every Serb. The secret behind the production process has been passed down from generation to generation in many fam- ilies, contributing to the uniqueness of this drink. It is hard to imagine any major event unfolding without a glass of plum, apricot, pear, or quince rakija... We are

positive that there will be an opportunity in Paris to drink a toast to the successes of our athletes—the best for the best. FINALLY, SPEAKING OF THE BEST , let's not forget to mention that the Junior Chefs Club, as a socially responsible as- sociation, participates in numerous hu- manitarian campaigns every year, such as Christmas and Easter lunches for children and young people with special needs or charity gifts for disadvantaged children. They have contributed to rais- ing funds for children with rare and se- vere diseases and prepared meals for those hit hardest by the floods that del- uged Serbia in 2014.

Oliympics » Olimpijada | 31

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