Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia


JUBILEJ / JUBELEE Mara Dupont u KST-u Mara Dupont at KST

Čuveni Klub studenata tehnike (KST) ove godine slavi 70 godina postojanja, a u sklopu jubileja 14. maja biće održa- na koncertna promocija albuma „Svet“ pijanistikinje Ma- re Dupont. Mara Dupont je pijanistkinja i kantautorka, a tre- nutno živi na relaciji Srbija–Francuska. Domaćoj publici do sada se predstavila sa dva autorska singla „Diši duboko“ i „Nisi tu“, a u toku je priprema promocije njenog albuma pr- venca „Svet“. – Ovo je zaista velika stvar za mene. Pored toga što ću pred- staviti svoj prvi album, imam priliku da nastupam u KST-u, koji je u velikoj meri obeležio moje studentske dane u Beo- gradu, od žurki vikendom, pa do nezaboravnih novogodiš- njih maskenbala. Ujedno mi mnogo znači što će uz mene na bini i iza nje biti dosta mojih prijatelja. Za publiku spremamo jedan nesvakidašnji koncert koji će ih povesti na zanimljivo muzičko putovanje. Nakon beogradskog koncerta Mara Dupont će nastupiti u sredu 15. maja u Kulturnom centru Zlatibor i u četvrtak 16. maja u Požegi.

Belgrade’s famous KST (Klub Studenata Tehnike – Club of Elec- trical Engineering Students) is this year celebrating its 70 th an- niversary and the jubilee celebration includes the 14 th May concert to promote the debut album of pianist Mara Dupont, entitled The World. Dupont is a pianist and singer-songwriter who currently lives between Serbia and France. She has so far presented her talents to the Serbian audience with two original singles, Breathe Deeply and You’re Not Here, while she is cur- rently preparing to promote her debut album. “This is a really big deal for me. Apart from presenting my debut album, I also have the opportunity to perform at KST, which marked my stu- dent days in Belgrade to a great extent, with everything from weekend parties to unforgettable New Year’s Masquerade Balls. It also means a lot to me that a lot of my friends will be with me on stage and backstage. We are preparing an excep- tional concert for the audience that will take them on an inter- esting musical journey”. Following the Belgrade concert, Mara will perform at the Zlatibor Cultural Centre on Wednesday 15 th May and in Požega on Thursday 16 th May.

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