Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia



Džipsi kings u Beogradu na vodi Gipsy Kings at Belgrade Waterfront

„Džipsi kings“, kultni bend poznat po svojoj zaraznoj muzici i energič- nim nastupima, najavljuje nezaboravan koncert u Beogradu na vodi 19. maja. Ova vest je izazvala ogromno interesovanje ljubitelja njiho- ve muzike širom regiona, a očekuje se da će bend oduševiti publiku svirkom koja će trajati više od dva sata! Sa bogatom muzičkom istorijom koja seže decenijama unazad, „Džipsi kingsi“ su postali sinonim za strastvenu flamenko muziku i zarazne latino ritmove, a njihovi hitovi poput „Bamboleo“, „Volare“ i mnogi drugi osvojili su srca publike širom sveta ostavivši neizbrisiv trag u muzičkoj industriji. The iconic Gipsy Kings band, known for its catchy music and energetic performances, has announced an unforgettable Belgrade Waterfront concert to be held on 19 th May. News of the concert has generated great interest among music lovers around the region, with expecta- tions that the band will delight the audience with a concert lasting more than two hours! With a rich musical history dating back many decades, the Gipsy Kings have become synonymous with passionate flamenco music and catchy Latin rhythms, with hits like Bamboleo, Volare and many others having won over the hearts of audiences worldwide, leaving an indeli- ble mark on the music industry.


Rane izgubljene priče Terija Pračeta The early tales of Terry Pratchett Izgubljene i zatim pronađene priče koje je Teri Pračet pisao za no- vine sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina 20. veka sada su na jed- nom mestu, u knjizi „Potez perom“. Premda nijedna nije smeštena na Disksvet, u njima se primećuju naznake sveta koji će autor ka- snije stvoriti. Krase ih njegova jedinstvena duhovitost, satirična mu- drost i sjajna mašta. Rediscovered short stories that Terry Pratchett authored for news- papers in the 1970s and 1980s have now been brought together in one place, in the book A Stroke of the Pen. Despite none of them being set in Discworld, these tales hint at the world that the author would later create. These stories are marked by his unique wit, satir- ical wisdom and fantastic imagination.

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