Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia


will finally have the opportunity to hear the guitarist who enchant- ed the world, at MTS hall on 16 th May. Marcin Patrzalek is coming to Belgrade for the first time, un- der the scope of his Acoustic Drag- on world tour. This artist, who has charmed the critics of all of the world’s leading magazines, com- bines the most famous classi- cal arrangements, covers of con- temporary songs and his original compositions. His art takes us on a musical journey from Beethov- en’s Fifth Symphony, via Led Zep- pelin’s Kashmir, to virtuoso origi- nal compositions. And it all began when he was just ten years old and his father sent him for guitar les- sons against his will... “My first encounter with gui- tar was quite late for a classical kid, because it was when I was 10 years old. My father signed me up for classical guitar in 2010 and I didn’t want to go. But when I first went to the class with the guitar teacher in my small town in Poland, he rec- ognised that I had some potential,

and I am very grateful to him be- cause I started to enjoy the guitar and breaking barriers very quick- ly. So, maybe it wasn’t love at first sight, but it was love very quickly after first sight.” From Beethoven, via Zep- pelin, to original music... How do you choose music and what inspires you? “Yes, it is true that the music I arrange, create and perform is hard to categorise. I consider that to be a good thing. I think nowadays art- ists don’t have to put themselves in the box of a genre. I just didn’t want to choose one. From classical piec- es to heavy metal, I want to choose something that already has a huge impact on the world of music, and because of my unique guitar playing style, it can be recreated in a com- pletely new light. There really isn’t that much difference between ar- ranging Kashmir by Led Zeppelin and Beethoven’s Ninth symphony. But in terms of the mentality, it is exactly the same – I want to con- vey the core melody and the core structure of the song, but then I want to shift everything else to be modern, new, exciting and my own way. And then my original music is becoming the main thing that I create. This year I’m realising my debut album and over half of the songs on it are original.” Your guitar sounds like an entire orchestra! How did you come to treat her as drum and percussion? “Well, thank you, that’s a com- pliment I appreciate very much. Well, you say that the guitar sounds like a full orchestra. I actually agree, but I would not say that it is just because of the style that I play, but rather the instrument itself has so much potential and I just try to ex- tract as much of the potential as possible. Even Andreas Segovia, who was a classical guitar icon, has said many times that he considers the guitar to be an orchestra. So, it is not a new concept, it is just a new way of expressing it. So, yes, it took many years to get to a style which is maybe distinct from other

guitarists. I just did what I thought was cool and fun, it was natural.” Your guitar was made ex- clusively for you and your distinctive percussive body tapping technique? “The guitar that I play on is my signature model of Ibanez guitars. Maybe it was one of the biggest milestones in my life as a guitar- ist. So, the guitar is called Ibanez MARC10, and I designed it based on the previous guitar that I played, which was itself heavily modified. I really love it and it is the first globally produced model that has a scratch pad. It is there, it looks cool, but you don’t have to use it.” In Europe, apart from your native Poland, you’re only performing in Serbia... “We are planning a much great- er tour of Europe at the end of 2024. However, I’m actually very happy to be playing in Serbia for the first time. I felt some very nice warmth from the Balkans and from Serbia for many years and I think that there is a strong guitar com- munity and the folk music of this part of Europe is really fascinat- ing. So, I’m quite excited to come and the festival I’m joining is real- ly nice. I was quite impressed with everything about the organisation and the look, the design, the graph- ics, and of course the line-up and the venues. Everything seems re- ally nice.” What will the Belgrade au- dience be able to hear? “The Belgrade audience will hear a mix of pieces from my life so far. There will be a few debuts and a few pieces from my upcom- ing album that will be performed for the first time. And I will per- form with a band – I will have a drummer, bassist and violinist with me on stage. So, it is going to be a much greater show than simply a guitar. I’m really happy to create this really explosive, fun, entertaining show for the Serbian audience and there will definite- ly be a wide range coming from strong rock music, classical piec- es, ballades etc.”

Beogradska publika će nakon rasprodatih koncerata širom sveta 16. maja u „MTS Dvorani“ imati priliku da čuje Marsina, gitaristu koji je očarao svet Following sold- out concerts worldwide, finally have the opportunity to hear Marcin, the guitarist who enchanted the world, at MTS hall on 16 th May the Belgrade audience will

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