Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia

JUSTIN HARTLEY Success always has a high price

mojoj ulozi. Ja sam glumac. Samo krajnje sredstvo kroz koje se ostva- ruje zamisao scenarista, reditelja, kostimografa i čitave vojske ljudi koja radi na nekom projektu. Da li ste se nekada poka- jali zbog toga što ste oda- brali glumu kao životni poziv? – Nikada. Istina, jeste težak po- sao. Zahteva mnogo odricanja i žr- tvovanja, ali zar nije sjajan osećaj kada možeš da radiš ono što voliš okružen ljudima koje ceniš? Veru- jem da svi tome težimo. U „Tragaču“ ste se oproba- li i kao izvršni producent. Šta vas je privuklo toj no- voj ulozi? – Sa glumačke strane, ovakve uloge su uvek veliki profesional- ni izazov. Međutim, mislim da je presudno da prihvatim poziciju pro- ducenta bilo to što smo Ken Olin, producent serije „To smo mi“ i moj dobar prijatelj, i ja dugo tražili neku seriju na kojoj bismo zajednički radi- li kao producenti. Kad smo dobili po- nudu za „Tragača“, odmah smo zna- li da je to projekat koji smo čekali. Da li vam je ova uloga po- mogla da malo usavrši- te svoje tragačke veštine u privatnom životu? – Svakako mi je izoštrila instin- kte, ali daleko od toga da sam po- stao neki profesionalac. I dalje veo- ma uspešno stalno tragam za istim stvarima – naočare, ključevi, novča- nik… Stalno nešto tražim (smeh). Šta mislite, koji bi savet Kol- ter Šo dao nekome ko pokušava da pronađe nešto? – Uvek se vratite istim koraci- ma unazad. A ako i posle nekoliko vraćanja tom istom stazom ne mo- žete da nađete ono za čime traga- te, onda se jednostavno pomirite sa tim da to nešto ne treba ni da bude pronađeno. Krenite dalje.

Following sensational, multi-award-winning drama This Is Us, actor Justin Hartley returns to the small screen as the protagonist in the action series Tracker

L ess than two months af- ter it premiered on U.S. television, the television adaptation of The Nev- er Game, the first novel in Jeffrey Deaver’s thriller series, can now be watched by viewers in Serbia on the Star channel each Monday. The series, Tracker, im- mediately won over audiences and critics alike, ensuring that a second season has already been confirmed. Here lead actor Justin Hartley reveals his new character and explains how he differs from the role of Kevin Pearson in the series This Is Us, which brought him an Emmy nomination. - Colter Shaw is a lone-wolf and a survival expert with the skills of a professional bounty hunter. He roams America in his RV, helping members of law en- forcement and private citizens find missing persons, in exchange for

reward money. While solving oth- er people’s problems by following up on leads overlooked by the po- lice, Colter flees his own person- al worries. Following the series This Is Us, you’ve been absent from the small screen for quite a while. Is it to- ugh to return after a ro- le that was career-defi- ning in a way? - Every job brings with it a large dose of stress. I believe that success always has a high price and great responsibility. And that ap- plies whether you’re an actor, sing- er, famous painter, scientist or mil- itary leader. When you take a great stride, every subsequent step is measured twice. However, things just unfold as they are destined to. I always wanted to work in this profession. I love acting, and not chasing roles that will bring me

Tekst / Words: Nikola Dražović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs

Showbiz » Šoubiznis | 65

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