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fame and fortune. I experience my work as art, but also as a respon- sibility towards the entire team of people who worked on my role. I’m an actor. That’s just the final medium through which the con- ception of the screenwriter, direc- tor, costume designer and the en- tire army of people working on a project is realised. Have you ever regretted choosing to pursue a li- felong career in acting? - Never. It’s true that it is hard work. It requires a lot of abnega- tion and sacrifice, but it’s such a great feeling when you can do what you love, surrounded by peo- ple you appreciate. I believe that’s what we all strive for. With Tracker, you al- so tried your hand as an executive producer. What attracted you to that new role? - From the acting side, such roles are always a major profes- sional challenge. However, I think the decisive factor in me accept- ing the position of producer was the fact that me and Ken Olin,

producer of the series This Is Us and a good friend of mine, had long been seeking a series that we could work on together as produc- ers. When we received the offer for Tracker, we were immediately convinced that this was the pro- ject we’d been waiting for. Did this role help impro- ve your “tracking” skills in your private life? - It certainly honed my in- stincts, but that’s a long way from becoming a great professional. I still very successfully track down the same things every day: glass- es, keys, wallet etc. I’m constant- ly searching for something (laugh- ter). What advice do you think Colter Shaw wo- uld offer someone who’s trying to find somet- hing? - Always return by following the same steps. And if you can’t find what you’re seeking after re- turning along that same route sev- eral times, then simply accept that what you’re looking for isn’t meant to be found. Move on.

I dalje veoma uspešno „tragam“ za istim stvarima – naočarima, ključevima, novčanikom... I still very successfully “track down” the same things: glasses, keys, wallet...

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