Elevate May 2024 | Air Serbia

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

May 2024

Maj 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

LET AVIONOM DO ŽELJENE DESTINACIJE idealna je pri- lika za maštanje i planiranje. Naš magazin u tome može biti od velike pomoći i inspirisati vas da već sada, na više od 10.000 metara visine, osmislite naredno putovanje. Kuda god da krenete, na samom ulasku u avion sa osme- hom će vas dočekati naše koleginice i kolege iz kabinske posade. Njihova visoka profesionalnost, uslužnost i ljuba- znost čine da se na svim našim letovima osećate dobro- došlo. Svakog 31. maja u svetu se obeležava Međunarod- ni dan kabinske posade, i to je idealna prilika da im odamo priznanje za predanost profesiji i posvećenost izvanred- nom iskustvu putnika. Zadovoljstvo putnika predstavlja suštinu našeg poslova- nja i svakodnevno se trudimo da adekvatno odgovorimo na vaše potrebe. Samo tokom prva tri meseca 2024. go- dine na našim letovima bilo je više od 750.000 putnika, što je najbolji rezultat od 2013. godine od kada kompanija posluje pod imenom Er Srbija. Nastavljamo da unapređu- jemo uslugu. Nedavno je u flotu ušao osmi ATR 72-600, a u narednom periodu očekujemo još dva aviona istog tipa. Sredinom aprila poleteli smo ka Mostaru i tako dali dopri- nos snažnijem i efikasnijem umrežavanju zemalja u regio- nu. Tokom aktuelne letnje sezone letećemo između Beo- grada i čak 16 gradova bivše Jugoslavije omogućavajući udobnija i brža putovanja između Balkana i Evrope, Azije i Severne Amerike. Verujemo da će ovi letovi biti poseb- no korisni onima koji planiraju da tokom leta obiđu svoje najmilije i bar nakratko uživaju u toplini porodičnog doma. Porodica je temelj identiteta i sigurnosti, s obzirom na to da pruža ljubav, podršku i razumevanje. Porodična puto- vanja su odlična prilika za izgradnju i učvršćivanje među- sobnih veza. Kroz zajedničko istraživanje novih destinaci- ja i upoznavanje različitih kultura stvaraju se nezaboravne uspomene. Za roditelje je takvo putovanje prilika da pro- vedu kvalitetno vreme sa decom, a za decu mogućnost da eksperimentišu sa novim iskustvima i situacijama, sa- svim različitim od svakodnevice. Ovog maja izaberite ne- ki od evropskih gradova iz naše mreže i upustite se u no- vu porodičnu avanturu. Zbog jedinstvenog spoja bogate kulture, ukusne hrane i predivnih plaža, naš predlog za porodično putovanje je prelepa Španija. Barselona, Madrid, Valensija, Palma de Majorka i Malaga čekaju vas širom otvorenih ruku. Uve- reni smo da će svaki od pomenutih gradova ispuniti oče- kivanja cele porodice. Nadamo se da će vas ovo izdanje našeg magazina na avi- onima motivisati za neke buduće avanture. Er Srbija će se truditi da vam na tim putovanjima bude pouzdan partner. Uživajte u letu i srećan put,

FLYING TO YOUR DESTINATION provides an ideal opportu- nity to daydream and plan. Our magazine can be a big help and can inspire you to decide on your next trip right now, over 10,000 metres up. Wherever you fly, you will be welcomed by our smiling ca- bin crew members when boarding. Their professionalism, courtesy and politeness help you feel welcome on all our flights. The 31 st of May is International Flight Attendant Day, which is an ideal opportunity to recognise their commitment to the profession and to ensuring an excellent passenger experience. Passenger satisfaction is the essence of our operations, and we strive every day to respond adequately to your needs. Our flights have welcomed 750,000 passengers in the first three months of 2024 alone, marking the best result sin- ce 2013, when our company began operating as Air Ser- bia. We are continuing to improve our service and recently added an eighth ATR 72-600 to our fleet, while we expect two more aircraft of this type to arrive in the coming period. We started flying to Mostar in mid-April, thus contributing to the stronger and more efficient networking of the countries of the region. During the current summer season, we will fly between Belgrade and 16 cities of the former Yugosla- via, ensuring faster and more comfortable travel between the Balkans and Europe, Asia, and North America. We be- lieve that these services will be especially useful for those planning to visit loved ones during the summer and enjoy the warmth of the family home at least for a while. Family is the basis of identity and security – considering that it provides love, support and understanding – and family trips are an excellent opportunity to build and strengthen mutual relationships. Unforgettable memories are created by explo- ring new destinations and facilitating the meeting of different cultures. For parents, such a trip is an opportunity to spend quality time with their children, while it is also a chance for children to experiment with new experiences and situations that differ completely to what they face in their everyday li- fe. This May, choose some of the European cities from our network and start a new family adventure. Due to a unique combination of rich culture, delicious food and beautiful beaches, we recommend Spain for a fami- ly holiday. Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Palma de Mallorca, and Malaga await you with open arms. We are convinced that each of these cities will meet the expectations of the whole family. We hope that this issue of our magazine will motivate you to embark on future adventures. And Air Serbia will strive to be your reliable partner on those journeys. Enjoy your flight and have a nice trip,

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek



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