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was born and raised, and thinking about a perfectly tailored jacket is constantly on my mind.” (Dolce’s stu- dio still preserves the original mirror from his father’s atelier and the image of a Madonna given to his father by an archbishop). The 2012 launch of the D&G haute couture line was an opportunity, as Gabbana says, “to give ourselves the benefit of unlimited creativity", and it thus comes as no surprise that the exhibition resem- bles a cinematic tour through the creation of fabulous gowns woven from silk and imagination. The invitation for the exhibition depicts a mod- el sporting a dress inspired by the Madonnina of Milan Cathedral. “When I arrived from my homeland in Milan, I addressed a prayer to her. I asked her not to send me back to Sicily and to let me stay here. And, for- tunately, she listened to me,” reveals Dolce. The ten sections of the exhibition are presented through dedicated installations, the first of which is inspired by the splendour of the Venetian Scuola Grande di San Rocco, which houses the most beau- tiful Tintoretto works. A large gallery with a mir- rored ceiling displays the paintings of Anh Duong, who has always been among the muses of the two designers, framing a group of papier-mâché man- nequins that illustrate a blend of elaborate tailor- ing techniques. Designed as a modern hall of mirrors, the next space celebrates historically important Venetian glass- makers through gowns and capes adorned with hand- made glass floral appliqués that resemble delicate jewels and sparkle in the light of antique chande- liers. But the segment dedicated to Luchino Viscon- ti’s The Leopard has special significance for the duo. “That film is a fundamental reference for us,” explains Dolce. “It is also emblematic of the opposite dynam- ics that guide fashion, always torn between the past and future”. The Palermo ballroom that provided the scene for one of the film’s most famous sequences has been meticulously recreated and hosts a magnif- icent gown inspired by the film. There is also a replica of the fashion house’s tai- lor shop, with haute couture artisans at work, and a Renaissance room that reflects the architecture of Rome’s Villa Farnese, with famous pictures reinter- preted as elaborately constructed clothing. All in all, the exhibition “From the Heart to the Hands: Dolce & Gabbana” is an expression of the belief that fashion “can transport you to another world of fantasy and dreams, beyond reality,” says Müller. And although this is primarily a comprehensive exhibition of the masterpieces of Domenico and Stefano, it also aims to reflect their beloved homeland, where art – as they claim – is intended for the many, not just the few. “All Italians are artists,” Dolce concludes. “In every family there is an ancestor who was close to Cara- vaggio or met Michelangelo, or perhaps sang for Gi- useppe Verdi...”

Deset poglavlja predstavljeno je kroz posvećene instalacije, a izložba se može posetiti u Milanu do 31. jula The ten sections are presented through dedicated installations and the exhibition can be visited in Milan until 31 st July

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