20th Annual Hazy Shade BYOP 2022 Caddy Book



* The following pages feature individual tee signs and their corresponding drone fly-through video.

1. No OB. 2. No OB. 3. On or over path and over fence. 4. On or over walk path. 5. On or over the walk path, inside the painted line by pond or surrounded by water.

6. In the creek on the right or over. 7. Painted line on creek or over. 8. Painted line at creek or surrounded by water. Drop zone if missed on drive. Standard OB on any shot after. 9. Creek is OB. Standard OB rules apply. 10. Surrounded by water; inside painted line by creek. 11. No OB. 12. Double mando drop zone if missed, first two trees. On or over the path or fence or surrounded by water. 13. Over the fence; Inside the painted line at creek by basket is OB. 14. Over fence.

15. No OB. 16. No OB. 17. No OB. 18. On or over road.


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