A space reimagined The children who attend UMADAOP services might have a past littered with abuse and neglect, or a learning disability. UMADAOP engages youth in prevention through a variety of strategies. In the evenings, kids in the community outreach center practice Tae Kwon Do. “It’s prevention because it has the ability to reduce the risk of diabetes, or heart disease — all because they’re moving,”Davis says. The Tae Kwon Do program isn’t aliated with any schools in the area, Davis says. It’s an activity that UMADAOP oers for the community. “We tried to think outside the box, outside of board games, to provide prevention in a dierent way,” Davis says. Recently, Davis says 10 of those kids participated in the Amateur Athletic Union’s State Tae Kwon Do Championship. Of those 10, ve won a medal. Two were awarded gold. The Manseld UMADAOP is gearing up to provide more services. This summer, Baker says the Manseld UMADAOP expects to oer a summer camp for approximately 150 kids. Overall, 65 kids participate in the Tae Kwon Do program at the Manseld UMADAOP, Davis says.
Early this year, the Manseld UMADAOP celebrated the ribbon cutting of a new community outreach center. Youth Development Coordinator Benjamin Davis says he remembers feeling a big sense of relief at the ribbon cutting ceremony. “We purchased the building in December 2014,” Davis says. “Just over a year later, we had the ribbon cutting.” In an earlier life, the facility functioned as a school. Now, the Manseld UMADAOP will use the space to hold activities for kids, such as summer camp. Dennis Baker, executive director at the Manseld UMADAOP, emphasizes how the UMADAOP has always worked to serve kids. Still, the new facility provides something dierent. “It’s an opportunity to separate kids from our main facility,” Baker says. “They have dierent challenges, so we thought it was best not to have them in the same facility that treats addicts.”
The summer camp is set to be held in the new community outreach center.
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