MAY, 1955
VOL. 3, NO. 5
PREPARED FOR SERVICE From all parts of the nation and world, representing the many various denominations of the Protestant faith, have come one hundred thirty-eight graduates of the class of 1955 to study the Word of God and to determine the Lord's place of service for "their lives. Represented in the graduating class are members of the four separate and distinct schools of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. : Bible Institute, BIOLA Bible College, School of Missionary Medicine and Talbot Theological Seminary. Many of the young people are already under appointment· by mission boards and, following examinations and deputa– tion, they will be leaving for the foreign field. Others will be called as pastors and evangelists, while still others will be leaders in Christian education and church music. Many of the class members will be teaching boys and girls in public .and Christian day schools. But, regardless of their place of ser– vice, the spiritual impact upon the world will be keenly felt in future years through these graduates, each of whom has the fervent desire "that HE might be glorified."
GLOR IFIED" If we meet God in our circumstances, then we will find God in our circumstances and, regardless of what may come or go in .our lives, we can rest confident in the assurance that "He doeth all things well." Today, life ahead for young people may not look so bright, for there are thoughts of war, atomic blasts and crumbling foundations, but one thing stands sure, and that is the eternal promises of God. It is in this hope and expe.ctation that the graduating class of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles rests, strengthened in the "inner man." It was the Apostle Paul's desire that in ALL things Christ might have the pre-eminence. Today there are many people who give Christ a "place" in their lives and that is all. 'fhey will attend church and once in a great while give something to missions, but they only give the Saviour a "place." Of the seventy-two million church members we have in this country, the average gift for missions per person per year is Jess than two cents. Then, there ·are other people who are giving Christ "prominence" in their lives. They are perhaps more willing to make the Christian life more vital, but they still reserve time, talent and goals for self. How necessary it is that every child of God should come to the place where he is willing to deny all of self and let Christ have the complete pre-eminence, with a desire that in all things He might be glorified. Can God be glorified in my trials and testings? He can, if you yield yourself to Him and let Him work out the difficulties according to His own will and as they are pleasing in His sight. Can God be glori– fied in my menial tasks of everyday life ( He can, if you don't let the "little things" so cloud over your life that you lose your true hold on eternity and the spiritual values which really count. Is there any part of my life that will not bring glory to the Saviour? Only when you fail to yield yourself to Him and harbor unconfessed sins in your heart. Remember that the Lord Jesus Christ told us that we are to let our lights so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father which is in heaven. Each member of the graduating class of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., has as his desire to have the Lord's per– fect will worked out in his life. The hymn writer reminds us that to be happy in Jesus we must trust and obey, and it is this fervent devotion which permeates the spirit of the seniors. With the report that communism is sweeping over the world at the increased rate of forty-four square miles an hour, it is imperative that we train even more young people as the spiritual leaders of tomorrow . .. "that HE might be glorified."
"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, J17hom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me." (Isaiah 6:8).
All friends of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., are cordially invited to attend the graduation exercises of the four schools. Sunday evening, June 5, Baccalaureate service will be held with Dr. Samuel H . Sutherland, BIOLA Presi– dent, speaking. Monday evening will present the Class Night program with the graduates themselves taking part, bringing messages on their chosen theme, musical selections and the class song. Tuesday evening is Commencement, the traditional time at which the 138 graduates receive their diplomas. Special speaker for the program will be Dr. Louis T. Talbot, BIOLA Chancellor. All services are held in the Church of the Open Door Audi– torium, 6th and Hope Streets in downtown Los Angeles.
All alumni of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are cor– dially invited to attend a special Alumni Day program Friday, June 3, featuring testimonies from former days and challenges to the new graduates. Reservations for the dinner must be made on or before May 31st and all correspondence should be directed to Miss Inez McGahey, Alumni Office, BIOLA. During the evening, the seniors will be received into the organization, new officers will be installed and time will be given to fellowship with former classmates. All alumni are cordially invited to attend this important yearly occasion. Latest developments in the BIOLA Campus program at La Mirada will be illustrated by Dr. Samuel H . Sutherland, and details will be given concerning plans for the future in "the Vision and the Venture."
"While tuning across my dial this morning, I came across your program and want to thank you for the inspiration I've gained from it." Words such as these are received in nearly every mail at the Bible Institute Hour, as people hear the programs for the first time. The population in the West is steadily growing and many of these are not acquainted with the weekday Gospel testimonies. During the month of May, it will be our privilege to present a very special series of mes– sages by Dr. Clyde M. Narramore which are styled parti– cularly for Christians. Because of this, we are asking all of our friends to help in doing their part by reminding people about these important messages. The month. of May has been officially designated "BIOLA Tell-A-Friend Month," and during this period we are asking each listener to tell at least one Christian friend each day about the broadcasts. You can remind those of your acquaintance through the mail, over the phone or in person. In whatever way you do it, we are praying that the scope of this vital ministry for Christ may be greatly increased in the next thirty-one days. Every Christian friend whose name you list on the enclosed tally sheet will receive a copy of "How to Have a Family Altar," an extremely helpful tract by Dr. Narramore. They will thank you for reminding them of the programs and also for the free literature which we will send to them. For your part, after you turn in the tally sheet with all the names you can secure, we will send you a copy of the life's story of our BIOLA Chancellor, Dr. Louis T. Talbot. The book entitled "When God Saved the Brewer's Boy" will be a thrill. Read this wonderful story of the grace of God in· transforming the heart and life of this great spiritual leader. So start today to tell your friends about the new series of messages on the Bible Institute Hour, by this distinguished Christian psycho– logist, and list their names each time you do. Even though they may already be listeners, if you have taken the time to tell them, list their names and we will see that you get a copy of this wonderful book. Perhaps there are members of your church who do not have the regular habit of tuning in, or maybe the people next door, or the family down the street. Do your part to increase the scope of ministry of the Bible Institute Hour by telling at least one CHRISTIAN friend each day by mail, in person, or over the phone, and we are certain that God will greatly bless your efforts for Him. Dr. Narramore will be speaking the first three weeks on the sub– ject of problems involved when one is married to an un– believer. If you are a child of God, sooner or later you will have a friend ask you for spiritual counsel, so be sure not to miss a single broadcast and remember that "MAY IS BIOLA TELL-A-FRIEND MONTH."
DR. CLYDE M. NARRAMORE, Christian Psychologist During the month of May, the message portion of the Bible Institute Hour will be given over to spiritual counsel by the distinguished educator and psychologist, Dr. Clyde M. Narramore. Unlike some leaders in the field, he puts Christ at the center of the personality, emphasizing the im– portance of the individual's acceptance of the Saviour and hi• constant reliance upon Him. A devout student of the Scrip– tures, he is in constant demand as a speaker at Bible confer– ences throughout the United States. We are happy to have this well-trained Christian leader on our programs during May, during our "Tell-a-Friend" emphasis. LISTEN FOR PRAYER REMINDERS AND PROGRESS REPORTS BY RADIO THE BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR MUTUAL DON LEE NETWORK MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY • 8:30 A.M. Aris:ona
Nevada KATO... Reno ••......•...•••.••..• .1340 Oregon KWIL... Albaay •..•........•••••.1240 KWIN.. Ashland •••.••....- •.1400 KAST....Astoria ..............- .. 1370 K8ND... Bend ·······-··-········1110 KOOS.... Coos Bay ··-·-·-·-12SO KORE.... Eugene .............. --1459 KUIN....Grants Pass •.••_ •.1340 KWJJ... Portland ····-··-·1080 KRXL••.Roseburg ...._.•••••-.1240 KSLM... Salem ····-·---····· 1390 Washington KXRO...Aberdeen ···-········1320 KPUG... Bellin,gham ····-··-··1170 KELA.... Centralla ................1470 KRKO... Everett .................. ll80 KWLK...Longyiew .......... -1400 KGY...... Olympia - ............ -1240 KVl....... Seattle ····-··..·-····· 570 KNEW•.Sl)Okane -········--·· 790 KUJ•.•... Walla Walla ___1420 KWNWWenatchee ............1340 KYAK... Yakima ..........-••••..1400
KOLD.... Yuma ...................... 1349 KRUX....Phoenix ..................1241) California KIBL•• Bishop ....................12l0 KXOC...Chico ·····----········1060 KXO......EI Centro ................1230 KYNO... Fresno .................... 1300 KHJ...... los AngeleL......... 930 KMYC...Marysville ·-··-·······1410 KYOS....Merced ..................1480 KPRL.... Paso Robles............1230 KSBW... Salinas ................- .. 1380 KFXM...San Bernardino ...... 590 KGB......San Diego................1360 KFRC....San Francisco.....-. 610 KVEC... San Luis Obispo.••• 920 KDB......Santa Barbara._••..1490 KXOB...Stockton ................1280 KCOK...Tulare ~ .................. 1270 KVEN... Ventura ..........- ....1450 KWSO.. Wasco .................... 1050 Idaho KVNl....Coeur d'Alene........ 1240 KRLC.... lewiston ................1350 KWAL..Wallace ................ 620 KAI M..Honolulu, Hawaii. FM
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