DR. CLYDE M. NARRAMORE, Christian Psychologist During the month of May, the message portion of the Bible Institute Hour will be given over to spiritual counsel by the distinguished educator and psychologist, Dr. Clyde M. Narramore. Unlike some leaders in the field, he puts Christ at the center of the personality, emphasizing the im– portance of the individual's acceptance of the Saviour and hi• constant reliance upon Him. A devout student of the Scrip– tures, he is in constant demand as a speaker at Bible confer– ences throughout the United States. We are happy to have this well-trained Christian leader on our programs during May, during our "Tell-a-Friend" emphasis. LISTEN FOR PRAYER REMINDERS AND PROGRESS REPORTS BY RADIO THE BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR MUTUAL DON LEE NETWORK MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY • 8:30 A.M. Aris:ona
Nevada KATO... Reno ••......•...•••.••..• .1340 Oregon KWIL... Albaay •..•........•••••.1240 KWIN.. Ashland •••.••....- •.1400 KAST....Astoria ..............- .. 1370 K8ND... Bend ·······-··-········1110 KOOS.... Coos Bay ··-·-·-·-12SO KORE.... Eugene .............. --1459 KUIN....Grants Pass •.••_ •.1340 KWJJ... Portland ····-··-·1080 KRXL••.Roseburg ...._.•••••-.1240 KSLM... Salem ····-·---····· 1390 Washington KXRO...Aberdeen ···-········1320 KPUG... Bellin,gham ····-··-··1170 KELA.... Centralla ................1470 KRKO... Everett .................. ll80 KWLK...Longyiew .......... -1400 KGY...... Olympia - ............ -1240 KVl....... Seattle ····-··..·-····· 570 KNEW•.Sl)Okane -········--·· 790 KUJ•.•... Walla Walla ___1420 KWNWWenatchee ............1340 KYAK... Yakima ..........-••••..1400
KOLD.... Yuma ...................... 1349 KRUX....Phoenix ..................1241) California KIBL•• Bishop ....................12l0 KXOC...Chico ·····----········1060 KXO......EI Centro ................1230 KYNO... Fresno .................... 1300 KHJ...... los AngeleL......... 930 KMYC...Marysville ·-··-·······1410 KYOS....Merced ..................1480 KPRL.... Paso Robles............1230 KSBW... Salinas ................- .. 1380 KFXM...San Bernardino ...... 590 KGB......San Diego................1360 KFRC....San Francisco.....-. 610 KVEC... San Luis Obispo.••• 920 KDB......Santa Barbara._••..1490 KXOB...Stockton ................1280 KCOK...Tulare ~ .................. 1270 KVEN... Ventura ..........- ....1450 KWSO.. Wasco .................... 1050 Idaho KVNl....Coeur d'Alene........ 1240 KRLC.... lewiston ................1350 KWAL..Wallace ................ 620 KAI M..Honolulu, Hawaii. FM
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