Natural Solutions For Health - December 2021

Our faces are filled with muscles that we use every day to talk, eat, express our emotions, and more. It makes sense that these facial muscles could benefit from some relaxation and loosening up. Getting a facial massage may seem silly the first time you try it, but this practice has some surprising benefits. Facial massage is common in many skin care routines throughout the world but not used by most Americans. In addition to reducing stress, facial massage can make your skin look better by improving elasticity, relaxing wrinkles, preventing acne, and stimulating collagen production. It can also help with sinus and jaw pain. THE BENEFITS OF FACIAL MASSAGES AND HOW TO PERFORM ONE AT HOME

bacteria can spread on your skin quickly. When massaging, ensure you are moving your skin but not stretching it. Lastly, always work against gravity and rub your skin upward, never downward. Get down to business. There are countless ways to massage your face. You can try rubbing your middle and ring fingers in circular motions, dragging and pressing your knuckles into your face, gently pinching your skin between two fingers, or tapping your fingers in “piano key” type motions. You can also try a face roller or a flat gua sha tool. As long as you’re not leaving marks on your face, experiment and see what feels good. With these tips, you can be on your way to a more relaxed and healthy face. Give facial massage a try today — the only thing you have to lose is stress.

So, how can you get these benefits without hiring a professional? We have some tips.

Prepare your skin. Before beginning your massage, make sure to wash your face and remove any makeup. You don’t want to rub dirt or debris into your skin. Next, choose a massaging agent, such as a gentle facial oil, serum, or moisturizer.

Know the rules. When giving yourself a facial massage, there are a few no-nos. First of all, you should never massage over a breakout because

NO (COCO)NUTS ABOUT IT Coconut Water Is Worth a Try!

What if there was a low-calorie drink that could lower blood pressure, replenish your electrolytes, and create healthier skin.? Well, there is! Coconut water is undergoing a renaissance of sorts as more athletes, celebrities, and dietitians are singing its praises, and they’re not just blowing smoke. Coconut water has benefits that extend beyond one region of the body, and while many experts caution that more studies are needed, many believe coconut water is a healthier, tastier alternative to most soft drinks.

often cause acne. It’s also a useful and tasty way to replenish electrolytes after exercise! Coconut water is high in potassium, which can lower blood pressure by removing sodium from the body. (It’s also great for your hair!) Plus, coconut water is low in fat and cholesterol, which, when consumed in heavy amounts, can be detrimental to your heart. This makes coconut water a great option for those with heart concerns.

a medical professional before incorporating coconut water into their diets. Furthermore, because more studies are needed, avoid coconut water if you are pregnant.


Coconut water is a great drink, but if you’re not one for the flavor, try mixing it with sparkling water or adding natural flavors, like cubes of pineapple. You can also use coconut water in smoothies for extra tropical flavor! Coconut water is just one healthy, easy way to add more powerful nutrients to your diet. For more expert tips and to create a plan that fits your lifestyle, please call Dr. Tom Sladic at 1-877-861-5927 to schedule a consultation.


Although coconut water’s potassium level can limit sodium levels, certain brands can contain high levels of sodium due to how they produce the drink. Look for brands that advertise 100% coconut water, and always read the label before selecting a drink. Those with sodium level concerns should speak with


The perks of coconut water take a multipronged approach. For starters, it’s great for skin health. A 2017 study found that coconut water can neutralize toxins that



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