SMOOTHIES AREN’T JUST FOR SUMMER ANYMORE! 5 Holiday Ingredients to Toss Into Your Blender
The drinks of choice for winter are usually warm and cozy — apple cider, hot chocolate, and wassail all have their place on the table. But no rule says you have to drink something hot when it’s snowy outside. In fact, a cold beverage might keep you warmer! A study from the Thermal Ergonomics Lab at the University of Ottawa found that when you drink something hot, it can cause you to sweat more and, as a result, will actually cool you off more than a cold drink! Crazy, right? Of course, you could probably reverse the heat loss by bundling up in a sweater so your sweat doesn’t evaporate. But if you’re in your warm, cozy home, why not go for a cold drink like a smoothie? You can even add some holiday cheer to your healthy(ish) treat with one of these five seasonal ingredients. 1. PEPPERMINT — For a protein-rich smoothie that tastes like a candy cane, blitz together almond milk, yogurt, almond butter, mint leaves, ground cinnamon, and a few drops of peppermint extract. 2. CINNAMON — If you love chocolate chip cinnamon rolls, you need to try the smoothie version! Frozen bananas, coconut milk, vanilla yogurt, cacao powder (which is packed with antioxidants), vanilla extract, and cinnamon are the secrets to a healthy version of your favorite Christmas breakfast. 3. CRANBERRIES — Cranberries are both festive and packed with vitamins and antioxidants that may help fight heart disease and cancer. To cash in on those benefits, whip up a smoothie with frozen cranberries, pear slices, goji berries, orange juice, coconut milk, and flax seeds. 4. GINGER — What screams Christmas more than gingerbread? You can make a delicious smoothie version of the cookie with rolled oats, chia seeds, yogurt, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, ground cloves, vanilla extract, and molasses to reap the anti- inflammatory and nausea-fighting benefits of ginger. 5. EGGNOG — Eggnog is far from a healthy drink, but it’s a holiday favorite! To enjoy it in a new way, blend it up with a scoop of vanilla protein powder and ice after your workout.
Want to enjoy the decadence of the holiday season without adding too much to your waistline? Swap red meat for fish and serve this delicious, easy dish.
• 1 tbsp olive oil • 4 5-oz Chilean sea bass or salmon filets, skin-on • Salt and pepper, to taste • 6 tbsp unsalted butter, cut into pieces
• 1/2 cup blanched hazelnuts, chopped • 2 tsp lemon juice • Lemon wedges, for garnish
1. In an unheated skillet, add oil. Season fish with salt and pepper, then add to skillet (skin-down). 2. Heat the skillet to medium and cook for 4 minutes. With a spatula, press each filet down, rotating between filets every few seconds. When the skin begins to crisp, stop pressing and cook 8–10 minutes, then flip and cook for another minute. Remove the fish. 3. Wipe the skillet clean and return to medium heat. Add the butter and hazelnuts. Heat, swirling continuously, until butter foams and browns. Remove from heat. 4. Stir in lemon juice and season to taste. Pour over fish, garnish, and serve with salad.
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