SOM_Journey to Home Ownership

Finding a home

MAKING AN OFFER Once you’ve found the home you love, it’s time to make an oer. The oer, or purchase agreement, is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale. This may include but is not limited to:

Confused About Escrow? An escrow account is a third party account used to hold money for two parties during a transaction. The term escrow account was mentioned earlier when we talked about the taxes and insurance that your lender collects as part of your monthly mortgage payment. This is just one example of escrow. The earnest money you put down when you make an oer on a home is another scenario where escrow is involved.

•  Address and legal property description  • >c`QVOaS^`WQS • 2]e\^Og[S\bO[]c\b • 3O`\Sab[]\SgbVOb[cabPS^OWR • 3f^W`ObW]\RObST]`bVS]TTS` • /Q][[Wb[S\bPgbVSaSZZS`b]^`]dWRSOQZSO`bWbZSb]bVS ^`]^S`bg

• BO`USbQZ]aW\URObS • BO`USb[]dSW\RObS •  Any contingencies the agreement is subject to, such as the buyer’s  need to obtain a mortgage or get a home inspection In some  states,  your real estate agent will prepare this document, or the  state may  require an attorney to draft it. Be prepared for the seller  to come  back with a counter offer before fully signing off on the   deal.

WHAT IS EARNEST MONEY? Earnest money is a deposit you put down when making an offer. It’s a sign of good faith ŏ to show you’re serious about the transaction. The amount varies, but it could be between 1% and 3% of the purchase price. The money gets held in an escrow account until the transaction is finalized, at which point it will go toward your down payment.


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