State of the School 2015-2016

Where are we headed?

Clarify Cathedral School’s academic identity and develop academic programs in ways that incorporate the best modern educational practices and prepare our boys for global citizenship. The finest schools now realize that the educational paradigm must change in order to prepare students for the complicated world that they will enter as adults. While content continues to be important, educational practices over the last decade have emphasized the development of certain skills now deemed essential for success in a global society. Many of these skills—communication, collaboration, cultural awareness—have been components of our curriculum for some time now. However, CSB would benefit from an updated, clear, and well-recognized academic identity. This identity, in turn, should help inform future curricular and programmatic develop- ments. In this way, the various components of our program would reconcile with our academic identity and be united by rigor, best practice, and a global approach. Cathedral is known nationally. Our teachers have, in many cases, decades of experience educating boys. We are well-versed in best educational prac- tices for boys. We have established institutional programs and structures to support the ways boys learn. However, there are ways to use our knowledge and experience not only to advance learning within the School but also to help other schools in their effort to teach boys. Furthermore, by serving other schools, Cathedral has an opportunity to model the very same commitment to service that we seek to instill in our students. Thus, we should leverage our knowledge of boys’ learning to create an even more vibrant learning environment for our boys and to help other schools do the same. Establish CSB as an international leader in boys’ education.

And now to what might lie ahead. I have been considering the future of our school and the goals that will help us fulfill our responsibility to provide the very best educational experience for boys. For a variety of reasons, our appreciation for what “an excellent education for boys” might look like in the future will be different from what it has looked like in the past.

“One of the great difficulties of modern education is that we must prepare our students for an ever- changing and unpredictable world.”

The world is changing at an inestimable pace. Global, social, and technological developments have made the practice of education much more complicated and uncertain. One of the great difficulties of mod- ern education is that we must prepare our students for an ever-changing and unpredictable world. The fact is that the best approaches to education now look much different than they did when we were in school, and they will look much different 10, or even five, years from now. The realities of the world and the responsibility of schools to develop successful and globally competent citizens demand as much. It should be the great hope—if not the expectation—for schools like CSB that we are preparing our boys to make a real and positive difference in the world. With this context in mind, there are a number of broad goals that seem appropriate to the future of our school and to the development of the type of young men that our world needs.

Cathedral School For Boys

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