FC1700/FC1900/SF3100/SF4200: EPA 2016 Certification Report



SAMPLING SYSTEMS SET-UP A. Gas Analysis 1. All instruments should be turned on and allowed to warm up for 1-hour minimum. 2. Prior to calibrating, make sure that the outlet pressure on each calibration gas bottle reads 10 PSI. Adjust flow meters at each gas analyzer to required flow. All gas analyzers (CO 2 , CO, O 2 ) are zeroed on nitrogen. The O 2 analyzer is spanned on air and set for 20.93%. CO 2 and CO analyzers are spanned with their respective gases. Calibrate analyzers as follows: a. With calibration switch at "SPAN", adjust all span controls to values specified on span gas label. b. Switch to "ZERO" and adjust zero controls to provide 0.00 readout on all analyzers. c. Repeat a. and b. until no further adjustment is required. d. Record these values on the appropriate data sheet. e. Switch to "CAL." and record all analyzer values. 3. Response time synchronization check. a. With switch at "SAMPLE" and no fire in unit, allow readings to stabilize (O 2 analyzer should read 20.93, CO and CO 2 should read 0.00). b. Switch to "CAL" setting and start the stopwatch. Note the time required for each unit to reach the calibration gas bottle value. If all three analyzers reach this value within 5 seconds of each other, synchronization is adequate. If not, contact the laboratory manager. Synchronization is adjusted by either internal instrument setting or adjustment of sample line length. c. Use section 8 of ASTM E2515 for procedures to check calibration of instruments. 4. Sample clean-up train. a. Load a new filter in 4-inch glass filter holder. b. Load four Impingers as follows:

#1: 100 ml. distilled or de-ionized water #2: 100 ml. distilled or de-ionized water #3: Empty #4: 200-300 grams Drierite.

G:\Hearth\EE - Emissions and Efficiencey\Furnace solid fuel\Lab Procedures for EPA Air Furnaces 11.11.16.doc

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