NCC Group is a global cyber and software resilience business operating across multiple sectors, geographies and technologies. As society’s dependence on the connected environment and the associated technologies increase, we use our global insights to help organisations assess, manage and develop their cyber resilience posture, enabling them to confidently take advantage of the opportunities that sustain their business growth. We exist to make the world safer and more secure
STRATEGIC REPORT 1 Highlights 2 At a glance 4
Our investment case Chair’s statement Our strategic roadmap
6 8
9 C hief Executive Officer’s review 14 Our continued Covid-19 response 16 Markets 18 Research at NCC Group 20 Business model 29 Strategy and KPIs 32 C hief Financial Officer’s review 40 P rincipal risks and uncertainties 49 Stakeholder engagement 53 Sustainability GOVERNANCE 70 Chair’s introduction to governance 73 Governance framework 74 Board of Directors 76 Executive Committee 78 B oard composition and division of responsibilities 87 Shareholder engagement 88 Audit Committee report 95 Nomination Committee report 98 C yber Security Committee report 100 R emuneration Committee report 119 Directors’ report 123 D irectors’ responsibilities statement FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 125 Independent auditor’s report 133 C onsolidated income statement 133 C onsolidated statement of comprehensive (loss)/income 134 Consolidated balance sheet 135 C onsolidated cash flow statement 136 C onsolidated statement of changes in equity 137 Company balance sheet 138 C ompany cash flow statement 139 C ompany statement of changes in equity 140 N otes to the Financial Statements ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 187 Glossary of terms – Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) 189 G lossary of terms – other terms
191 Other information 192 Financial calendar
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