O&P Compliance Seminar 2020

SERC staff will present up-to-date information on current topics of interest regarding compliance with NERC Reliability Standards and bulk power system reliability. This event will be of interest to operations, transmission, compliance, and training staff of registered entities within the SERC Region.

O&P Compliance Seminar Agenda Brochure

November 10 - 11 , 2020 WebEx

Agenda SERC is committed to providing training and non-binding guidance to industry stakeholders regarding emerging and revised Reliability Standards. However, compliance depends on a number of factors including the precise language of the Standard, the specific facts and circumstances, and the quality of evidence. Purpose : Provide all SERC registered entities with an update on Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP) developments, lessons learned, and key messages.

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The agenda allows time for Q&A after each presentation. Therefore, times listed may vary. Those who attend the entire seminar will receive a participation certificate. The certificate does not satisfy educational requirements such as NERC continuing education hours .

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Tuesday, November 10 , 2020

Registered Entity Forum REF Steering Committee Speaker Bios Click on speaker’s name in agenda.

Todd Curl, - SERC Senior Manager of Compliance Monitoring Jason Blake - SERC President & CEO Todd Curl –SERC Senior Manager of Compliance Monitoring

12 : 3 0 p.m.


12 : 4 5 p.m.

President's Update

Compliance Monitoring During Covid-19

1:0 5 p.m. .

1 : 30 p.m.

PowerSouth Winter Weather Plan

T im Hattaway – PowerSouth Energy Cooperative Energy Service Manager


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Revised O&P NERC Standards PER -006-1, PRC-002-2, PRC-012-2 PRC-025-2 and PRC-027-1

Marcus Beasley – SERC O&P Auditor

2 : 00 p .m.


2 : 30 p .m.

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Update on Expanded Self Logging Program and Align Update Changes to IRA and COP Summary TO/TOP Registration

2 : 45 p .m.

R ick Dodd – SERC Senior CIP Compliance Specialist Janice Carney - SERC Senior Compliance Tim Ponseti - SERC Vice President Operations Todd Curl - SERC Senior Manager of Compliance Monitoring

3 : 00 p .m.

3 : 2 5 p.m

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3 : 45 p.m.


4 : 00 p.m.



Wedn e sday, November 11 , 2020

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Todd Curl, - SERC Senior Manager of Compliance Monitoring

Welcome Day 2

8 : 30 a .m.

Brad Arnold – Ameren Missouri Manager, Policy & Compliance

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8 : 35 a .m.

REF Steering Committee Election

Banna Underland - SERC Technical Writer and Training Coordinator Dulce Plaza - SERC Legal Counsel Todd Curl – SERC Senior Manager of Compliance Monitoring

FAC-008 Introduction to eLearning Module

8 : 45 a .m.

FAC-00 8 Enforcement Trends

9 : 00 a.m .

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9 : 30 a .m

2021 CMEP I mplementation Plan

9 : 50 a .m.

Standards efficiency review activity Break

Mike Kuhl - SERC Manager of O&P Monitoring

10 : 0 5 a .m.

Todd Beam –SERC Manager, Risk Assessment & Mitigation Jimmy Cline – SERC Managing Counsel Drew Slabaugh - SERC

Data to Include in Self Report and Mitigation Plans

10 : 30 a .m.

Public Filings Update

1 1 : 00 a .m.

Legal Counsel


Todd Curl, – SERC Senior Manager of Compliance Monitoring

1 1 : 15 p .m.


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1 1 : 30 p .m.

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WebEx Logon

The WebEx session will be recorded. The recording will be posted to the SERC website and will, therefore, become public.

Agenda WebEx Logon 2020 Outreach

Tuesday, November 10 , 2020 Join Webex meeting WebEx login information will be sent to registered attendees by November 9 , 2020 Join by phone 1-408-792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) Wednesday, November 11 , 2020 Join Webex meeting WebEx login information will be sent to registered attendees by November 9 , 2020 Join by phone 1-408-792-6300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

WebEx Begins at 12:30 p .m. (Eastern)

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WebEx Begins at 8: 30 a.m. (Eastern)

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this WebEx service allows audio and other information sent during the session to be recorded, which may be discoverable in a legal matter. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to being recorded, discuss your concerns with the host or do not join the session.

Participants will be muted upon entry to eliminate background noise. Please send questions through the Chat feature. If your question is too lengthy to type, send a request through the Chat feature to be un-muted.


• It is SERC’s policy and practice to obey the antitrust laws and to avoid all conduct that unreasonably restrains competition. This policy requires the avoidance of any conduct that violates, or which might appear to violate, the antitrust laws. • It is the responsibility of every SERC member, every SERC member employee who participates in SERC activities, and SERC staff personnel who may in any way affect SERC’s compliance with the antitrust laws to carry out this commitment . • Participants in SERC activities should refrain from the following prohibited discussions when acting in their capacity as participants in SERC activities: – Discussions involving pricing information, especially margin (profit) and internal cost – Discussions of a participant’s marketing strategies – Discussions regarding how customers and geographical areas are to be divided among competitors – Discussions concerning the exclusion of competitors from markets – Discussions concerning boycotting or group refusals to deal with competitors, vendors, or suppliers • Any other matters that do not clearly fall within these guidelines should be brought to the attention of the SERC office.

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Confidentiality Policy

• Members of SERC committees may, in performing SERC functions, have to use information of a sensitive and commercial nature, including but not limited to that provided by SERC members and designated as “Confidential”, that SERC members customarily hold confidential and do not disclose publicly. • The SERC Confidentiality Agreement prohibits (i) the use of Confidential Information by Member Employees for other than SERC purposes and (ii) the disclosure of that information to any third party, unless disclosed to NERC pursuant to delegation agreement, or to a third party that has signed a Confidentiality Agreement with SERC. • If either you or your employer has not signed such an Agreement and/or your employer has not designated you as a Member Employee authorized to receive Confidential Information then you will not be given access to Confidential Information and you will be required to leave the meeting before any such information is disclosed, used, or discussed.

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Standards of Conduct

• The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Standards of Conduct for transmission providers forbid a transmission provider from providing an undue preference or advantage to any person and require transmission providers to treat all customers in a not unduly discriminatory manner. • All participants in the SERC Identified Reliability Risk Team are expected to abide by the restrictions in the Standards of Conduct. • During any meetings, discussions, or other activities of the SERC Identified Reliability Risk Team, all participants should: – Refrain from disclosing non-public transmission function information, which includes any information related to day-to-day transmission operations and planning, such as transmission outages and constraints. – Refrain from discussing any non-public transmission customer-specific information. – If any non-public transmission function information or non-public customer information is disclosed during a SERC Identified Reliability Risk Team activity, the participants receiving that disclosure should not further disclose that information to any marketing function employees within their organizations or use any other person as a conduit to disclose such information.

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Acronyms The master Acronym Reference Index is on the Q&A & Lessons Learned page of the SERC website under Outreach. It is updated following each outreach event.

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Alternate Compliance Contact


Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.


Audit Team Lead


Balancing Authority

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BES Cyber System Information


Bulk Electric System


(NERC) Board of Trustees Compliance Committee


Bulk Power System


Computer-based Training


Compliance and Certification Committee (NERC Committee)


Compliance Exception

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Compliance Enforcement Authority


Coordinated Functional Registration (formerly Type 2 Joint Registration Organization “JRO”)


Critical Infrastructure Protection (Family in NERC Reliability Standards)


Controls Monitoring and Testing (Southern Company acronym)


Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program


Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program Implementation Plan


Centralized Organization Registration ERO System


Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (Treadway Commission)


Compliance Program Coordinators


Design Basis


Distribution Provider (Function)


Data Request


Enforcement Action


Electronic Access Control and/or Monitoring Systems


Edison Electric Institute



Electromagnetic Pulses


Energy Management System

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Extent of Condition


Electric Power Research Institute


Electric Reliability Organization


Facilities, Design, Connections, and Maintenance (Family in NERC Reliability Standards)

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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


Find, Fix, Track (and Report process)


Government Accountability Office - audit


Generator Owners


Generator Operators


Guided Self Certification


Generator Step-Up


Generation & Transmission


High Volt


Intrusion Detection System

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Inherent Risk Assessment


Independent System Operator


Joint Registration Organization


Kilovolts (1000 volts)


Lafayette Utilities System


Low Impact BES Cyber Systems (BES = Bulk Electric System)


Lafayette Utilities System


Modeling and Network Transmission Information System (AECI acronym)


Multifactor Authentication


Misoperation Information Data Analysis System



Motor Lead Extension


Midwest Reliability Organization (Region within the ERO Enterprise)

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Multi-Regional Registered Entity


Master Service Agreement


Mega Volt Amps



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North American Generator Forum


North American Transmission Forum


Notice of Alleged Violation(s) and Penalty or Sanction


NERC Certified System Operator


North American Electric Reliability Corporation


National Institute of Standards and Technology

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Notice of Confirmed Violation


Notice of Penalty


Operations & Planning


Planning Authority (Function)


Physical Access Control System


Primary Compliance Contact


Primary Compliance Officer


Protected Entity Information


Personnel Performance, Training, and Qualifications (Family in NERC Reliability Standards)


Possible Noncompliance


Personnel Risk Assessment


Protection and Control (Family in NERC Reliability Standards)


Pre-Notice of Alleged Violation


Physical Security Perimeter



Risk Assessment & Mitigation


Reliability Assessment and Performance Analysis

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Regional Advanced Techniques Staff-Statistical (Audit tool used by US Dept. of Health & Human Services)


Reliability Coordinator (Function)



Registered Entity Forum


Request for Information

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Reliability Standards Audit Worksheet


Real-Time Contingency Analysis


Regional Transmission Organization


Small Group Advisory Sessions


Standard Authorization Request


Self Certification


Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

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Southern Company Services


Supply Chain Working Group


Secure File Transfer Protocol


Subject Matter Expert


Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty

Security Operations Center or System Operator Conference



Single Point of Contact

Transmission Owner (Function)


Transmission Operator (Function) or Transmission Operations (Family in NERC Reliability Standards)


Transmission Planner (Function)



Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures


User Management and Records


Virtual Private Network

Western Electricity Coordinating Council (Region within the ERO Enterprise)


Questions for SERC

Entity Assistance

Q&A Process

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Email Support@serc1.org

• General inquiries / Q&A • Seminar & Webinar Topic Suggestions • Media inquiries

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• SERC Membership • SERC Committees • SERC Compliance & Committee Portal/Committee related issues • Registration and Certification Issues • Compliance monitoring methods: o Self-Certification o Self-Report submittals o Compliance data submittals • Enforcement and Mitigation o Mitigation Plan submittals • SERC Compliance & Committee Portal-Compliance related issues • Reliability Assessment data reporting

SERCregistration@serc1.org SERCComply@serc1.org

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• Reliability Assessment forms • Annual Voting Rights • Reliability Data Reporting Portal • Industry Subject Matter Expert (ISME) Program


• Submitting an ISME application • Event Reporting


• Situational Awareness • Events Analysis


Registered Entity Forum

If you have a question you would like to submit anonymously, you may do so by contacting one of the Registered Entity Forum Steering Committee members. Registered Entity Forum (REF) sessions are generally held during SERC seminars. However, REF Steering Committee members are gracious enough to assist registered entities within the SERC Region throughout the year. For your information, the REF is open to participation by all entities registered in the SERC Compliance Registry, regardless of membership status in SERC. The purpose of the REF is to promote compliance excellence, elevate the collective compliance culture, and strengthen reliability among all SERC Region registered entities. The REF is a self-directed forum that provides a safe harbor for registered entities to (1) exchange information, (2) share lessons learned, (3) discuss compliance issues of interest and importance, and (4) generate concerns and questions to be provided to SERC staff regarding compliance with SERC and NERC reliability rules, standards, and regulations. The REF Steering Committee is comprised of representatives from registered entities, and members are elected by the registered entities. Positions include representatives with both CIP and Operations & Planning expertise. If you would like to be on the committee, elections are held each fall. REF Steering Committee members are prohibited from disclosing to SERC the names of registered entities whose concerns or questions are discussed with SERC staff members. Should you have questions or topics that you would like to discuss with them, please feel free to contact the committee members listed on the CIP or Operations & Planning links above. Responses to previously submitted questions are available on the SERC website. From the SERC home page, select Outreach / Q&A and Lessons Learned. The REF Charter is posted to the SERC website. From the SERC home page, select Outreach / Registered Entity Forum. Elections are held each November, and committee members serve a two-year term.

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REF Steering Committee

CIP Committee Member Jennifer Blair, Compliance Specialist

O&P Committee Member Brad Arnold, Manager, Policy & Compliance Ameren Missouri barnold@Ameren.com John Babik, Director Electric Compliance JEA babijj@jea.com Greg Davis, Regulatory Compliance Manager Georgia Transmission Corporation Greg.davis@gatrans.com Sarah Snow, Manager of Reliability Compliance Cooperative Energy ssnow@cooperativeenergy.com Bill Thigpen, Supervisor of Compliance Support PowerSouth Energy Cooperative bill.thigpen@powersouth.com

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LG&E and KU Energy, LLC jennifer.blair@lge-ku.com

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Brandon Cain, CIP Compliance Assurance Manager Southern Company pbcain@southernco.com Eric Jebsen, PE, Senior Regulatory Engineer Exelon Generation eric.jebsen@exeloncorp.com

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Todd Curl ,NCSO

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SERC Reliability Corporation Senior Manager of Compliance Monitoring

Todd is currently responsible for managing all areas of Compliance Monitoring (in both Operations & Planning and Critical Infrastructure Protection areas). Previously he was Manager of Compliance Programs, which included Registration & Certification, Compliance Investigations, and Compliance Outreach. Todd joined SERC as an O&P Compliance Auditor in 2010, with about 29 years in the electric utility industry. Before joining SERC, Todd was a Senior System Operator at Southern Company’s Power Coordination Center in Birmingham, Alabama. Primary responsibilities included providing real-time monitoring and control decisions and direction for the 24/7 operation of the Southern Company bulk power system balancing area. He also was responsible for various aspects of reliably operating the bulk power system in a coordinated manner with the four Operating Company transmission control centers, generation operations, and neighboring utilities. He worked with a team of NERC certified operators balancing generation with load, keeping the transmission system reliable, and ensuring correct interchange power flows with neighbors. Todd also spent 10 years on Southern Company’s energy trading floor as an Energy Coordinator, providing economic evaluation and negotiation of next-hour power sales and purchases, and arranged for scheduling of transactions in a real time 24/7 operation.

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Todd also spent 17 years with Georgia Power Company as a Transmission Operator in Atlanta, and a Substation Maintenance electrician. Todd has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, and an Executive Certificate in Organizational Leadership from the University of Notre Dame. Todd is a NERC Certified System Operator with the Reliability Coordinator certification since 1999. Todd has also completed NERC Audit/Certification Team Leader training, and Compliance Investigations training.

Jason Blake

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SERC Reliability Corporation President and Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Blake is President and CEO for SERC and is passionate about SERC’s mission, which is to reduce risks and ensure a reliable, resilient, and secure electric grid across 16 central and southeastern states. He leads with a commitment to operational excellence, innovation, continuous improvement, and deploying resources in an effective and efficient manner that adds value. Prior to joining SERC, Mr. Blake spent almost nine years serving as the Vice President and General Counsel for SERC’s northern neighbor and sister region, ReliabilityFirst. During that time, he helped lead RF through its start-up phase and into a sustainable risk-based organization focused on ensuring a reliable, resilient, and secure electric grid across the Mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes regions of the U.S. Prior to this, Mr. Blake developed broad business and regulatory experience through his private practice with large, corporate law firms located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and then in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Blake is a graduate of the Ohio State University and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. He also served on the Board of Directors for the American Heart Association for the Cleveland Metropolitan Area and enjoys volunteering to coach his children’s sports teams.

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Tim Ponseti

SERC Reliability Corporation Vice President of Operations

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Tim is the Vice President of Operations for SERC Reliability Corporation, which includes several program areas, including Reliability Monitoring, Situational Awareness and Security, IT, Technical Services, Reliability Assessments and Performance Analysis (RAPA), Engineering, Advanced Analytics, and System Operator Training. Tim’s extensive background includes leading control center operations, transmission operations, transmission planning, transmission maintenance, resource planning, load forecasting, distribution engineering, rate design and customer service, regulatory policy and compliance, industrial marketing, plus many years of experience serving on the SERC Board of Directors and NERC committees. Tim graduated summa cum laude from Tulane University, with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He is a member of the National Engineering Honor Society, the National Electrical Engineering Honor Society, the National Leadership Honor Society, and was a NERC Certified System Operator. After graduating from Tulane, Tim joined Entergy, where he worked a variety of jobs over the next 18 years. His last five years were spent in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, as the overall manager of Entergy’s System Operations Center, with Balancing Area responsibility across four states, and Reliability Coordinator responsibility across seven states. Twelve of these years with Entergy were spent as a member of SPP.

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In 2003, Tim joined TVA, where he held a variety of executive level positions. From 2013 to 2017 he served as TVA’s Vice President of Transmission Operations & Power Supply (TOPS), where he had responsibility for TVA’s Transmission Operator and Balancing Area function (seven states), Reliability Coordinator function (11 states), plus SCADA, the Network Operations Center, Operator Training, Compliance Execution, Real Time Power Trading, and Power Origination. From 2015-2017 Tim served as the Vice Chair of the SERC Board of Directors; from 2015-2017 he served as a member of the NERC Member Representatives Committee (MRC); and from 2016-2017 he served as Chair of the Eastern Interconnect Planning Collaborative (EIPC). He was also a member of the original multi-sector NERC Functional Model team.

Marcus Beasley

SERC Reliability Corporation O&P Compliance Auditor

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Marcus is currently an O&P Auditor at SERC performing compliance monitoring functions in accordance with NERC Rules of Procedure. He plays an integral role performing compliance audit of registered entities. He also participates in the assessment of risk to appropriately develop a compliance oversight plan and scope compliance monitoring activities. Before joining SERC, Marcus worked with Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) as a Transmission Operator (TOP). He was responsible for the operation of a quarter of the TVA electrical grid. Additional responsibilities included writing and issuing switching, navigating complex secondary electrical circuits, responding to system disturbance, and assisting with planned outage logistics. Prior to TVA Transmission Operations, he worked with Hydro Dispatch Control Cell. In this role he managed 29 TVA hydro facilities remoted to System Operations Center. He also worked in real-time with a multi- organizational management team to assure TVA hydro power generation and power systems are operated in a reliable and economic manner. Additional experience includes making economic and operational decisions regarding generation and reactive power generation in coordination with the BA and TOP. As a coordinator,

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he determined the amount of energy and reactive power needs of a given unit. As a member of the Asset Availability Team, he managed hydro outages and outage requests. He also coordinated load balancing and performed switching at various hydro facilities under the direction of the TOP to safely perform maintenance and other operations.


SERC Reliability Corporation Senior CIP Compliance Specialist

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R ick Dodd joined SERC on July 1, 2019 as a Senior CIP Compliance Specialist. Rick works in the Risk Assessment and Mitigation team specializing in Critical Infrastructure Protection responsible for implementation of the SERC Compliance Program that assesses overall entity risk within the SERC Region. In addition, he works as a single point of contact with entities to perform specific inherit risk assessments (IRAs) and internal controls evaluations, as well as to review, accept, track, and verify the entity’s Mitigation Plans pertaining to issues or violations of NERC Reliability Standards. Rick has over 38 years of management and technical experience in all aspects of IT and Information Security. Prior to joining SERC, Rick worked with FRCC as a Sr. Risk Assessment and Mitigation Specialist for more than six years as a team member performing similar functions. Prior to joining FRCC, he was a senior member of an Energy Practice consulting team for five years, participating on NERC working groups and numerous client engagements relevant to the CIP Reliability Standards and NEI 08-09, Revision 6 including engagements at numerous registered entities across most of the Regions. While his expertise is broad in all aspects of the CIP Reliability Standards, he has written many highly regarded compliant incident response and recovery plan documents commensurate with the culture and needs of utility clients. His training capabilities are enhanced from his role as an instructor, as he brings more than 10 years of experience as an instructor for diverse curriculum in both classroom and online settings for IT and business subjects. He started his career in the telecommunications industry with Verizon Data Services (formerly GTEDS) gaining extensive knowledge and experience in developing, implementing, and administering scalable multi- tiered, information security, state-of-the-art data warehouse, decision support, document management, Internet website, access administration, and billing systems using the full SDLC. He has demonstrated expertise in gathering business requirements, business process analysis, setting policies and standards, trouble shooting, tuning, and system evaluation. During his tenure with Verizon Data Services, he also managed an Information Security team of more than 30 employees. The wide versatility in multiple computing environments, with a strong understanding of object- oriented technologies, web services and workflow technologies along with BPMN, UML, and Use Case Methods, complements the needs of the team. He has directed and participated in the selection of hardware and software, building proof-of-concept/pilot projects aiding in deployment of enterprise-wide systems.

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Rick is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional, and holds a Master of Science in Computer Information Systems, a Master of Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Science in Professional Management from Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.


Mike Kuhl

SERC Reliability Corporation Manager of Operations & Planning Audits

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Mike is Supervisor, Operations and Planning Compliance Audits for SERC Reliability Corporation and reports to the Senior Manager of Compliance Monitoring. Prior to joining SERC in January 2013, Mike worked at the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company/Cinergy/Duke Energy for nearly 24 years. His responsibilities were primarily in the areas of electric generation and transmission electric system operations. Mike began his career during the construction and start-up phases of W.H. Zimmer Station, a 1,300 MW supercritical unit and the world's first nuclear-to-coal conversion project. Mike transitioned to control area operations in the mid-1990s, subsequently became a NERC-certified transmission system operator, and worked as a Control Area Coordinator. Mike then served as Project Manager of Cinergy's energy markets integration with the Midwest ISO. Several years before reliability standards became mandatory and enforceable, his job focus transitioned to NERC reliability standards compliance where he developed, implemented, and managed Cinergy’s and Duke's initial Reliability Standards Internal Compliance Programs. Mike earned a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Cincinnati. He is a NERC Certified System Operator at the Reliability Coordinator level, and holds an Internal Auditor Practitioner certification.

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Todd Beam

SERC Reliability Corporation Manager, Risk Assessment & Mitigation

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Todd Beam is the Senior Lead Compliance Specialist at SERC Reliability Corporation, a nonprofit corporation responsible for promoting and improving the reliability, adequacy, and critical infrastructure protection of the bulk power system in all or portions of 16 southeastern and central states. Todd works on the Entity Assessment and Mitigation team, which is responsible for conducting entity inherent risk assessments (IRA), internal controls evaluations (ICE), and providing registered entities a single point of contact for all noncompliance issues. Prior to joining SERC in February 2012, Todd was employed by Duke Energy Corporation in Charlotte, NC for 25 years where he worked in a variety of roles. His most recent role was for four years as the CIP Compliance Project Manager for BA/TOP and TO with a focus on transmission substations. Prior to that he spent seven years as the Supervisor of Routine Work and Outage Restoration and Management.

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Jimmy C. Cline

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SERC Reliability Corporation Managing Counsel J immy C. Cline is the Managing Counsel at SERC Reliability Corporation. He has 14 years of experience as an attorney, nine of which has been in the electric power industry. Jimmy joined SERC in January 2018, and his primary role is overseeing the Enforcement department. He came from Southwest Power Pool Regional Entity (SPP RE) in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he was employed for eight years as a Senior Compliance Enforcement Attorney. Prior to joining SPP RE, Jimmy practiced law for four years in a Human Resources defense firm where he counseled management on employment law matters. Jimmy’s first attorney position was for former Arkansas Supreme Court Chief Justice Betty Dickey, where he was responsible for drafting her judicial opinions

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Dulce Plaza

SERC Reliability Corporation Legal Counsel Dulce returned to SERC as Legal Counsel in the Legal and Enforcement departments. Prior to rejoining SERC, Dulce acted as a litigation associate in one of Charlotte’s prominent insurance defense firms. Dulce’s passion for regulatory and compliance matters stemmed from the time she spent as a legal intern for a large utility company from2012 – 2013, and for SERC from 2013 – 2014. Dulce is an active member in the ERO Enterprise Enforcement Group (EG), and recently took on the role of Co-Chair on the EG Risk Alignment project team. She also volunteers her time with the Mecklenburg County Bar (MCB), where she is serving a three-year term on the MCB Board of Directors and has been serving on the MCB’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee’s Pipeline Programming subcommittee since 2015.

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Brad Arnold

Ameren Missouri Manager, Policy & Compliance

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Brad Arnold is the Manager of Policy and Compliance for Ameren Missouri. Mr. Arnold has worked in the energy industry for over 13 years, with experience in power trading, load forecasting, Financial Transmission Rights, and asset optimization. In his current role, Mr. Arnold leads the Ameren Missouri Generation NERC Compliance and Market & Policy groups. His responsibilities include business area oversight and coordination of reliability standards compliance activities. Mr. Arnold has held elected leadership roles in both the SERC and MISO stakeholder communities, and actively participates in NERC, SERC, MISO, and industry groups and seminars to stay current on both ongoing and developing compliance issues. Prior to joining Ameren, Mr. Arnold worked in Financial Operations at the Boeing Company and in Regulatory Compliance at A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. Mr. Arnold has a B.S. in Finance from Missouri State University and an MBA from St. Louis University. He also holds the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute.

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Tim Hattaway

PowerSouth Energy Services Manager

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Tim Hattaway serves as Energy Services Manager for PowerSouth Energy Cooperative, a G&T Cooperative serving 16 distribution coops and 4 municipal systems in Alabama and Northwest Florida. He has served in various capacities at PowerSouth during his 31-year career. Tim currently serves as Energy Services Manager responsible for the Energy Control Center Operations related to the Transmission Operator and Balancing Authority functions. Tim serves on several reliability groups and committees and is a NERC Certified System Operator.

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Janice Carney

SERC Senior Enforcement Engineer

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J anice Carney joined SERC in January 2009 as a Compliance Engineer, and currently serves as a Senior Complaince Engineer. Ms. Carney is responsible for administering the Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program. This responsibility includes the determination of Alleged Violations and the Enforcement staff’s review and acceptance of Mitigation Plans. Ms. Carney also has the lead role in SERC’s Inherent Risk Assessment processes. Prior to joining SERC, Ms. Carney was the Manager, Regulatory Issues for ElectriCities of North Carolina, Inc., a membership organization including public power communities in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Before joining ElectriCities in May 2003, Ms. Carney held various positions in her 16-year career with Progress Energy – Carolinas including power marketer, Manager of Retail Sales, and Major Accounts Manager.

Antitrust Guidelines Confidentiality Policy Standards of Conduct Acronyms Questions for SERC

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Ms. Carney holds a degree in computer engineering from Clemson University.

Banna Underland

Agenda WebEx Logon 2020 Outreach

SERC Technical Writer & Training Coordinator

Ms. Underland joined SERC Reliability Corporation (SERC) in 2016 as the Technical Writer. Because of her experience as an Instructional Designer, she is responsible for developing training for corporate compliance topics. She assumed the role of Training Coordinator in 2019. Ms. Underland has been a Technical Communicator and Instructional Designer for more than 30 years. In addition to her time at SERC, her employment experience includes service in the U.S. Navy as an Electronics Technician and instructor; and instructional design and technical training for both the metrology and software industries. Ms. Underland has been part of SERC's Entity Assistance program development since its inception. Entity Assistance is part of SERC's Outreach & Training department, which Ms. Underland joined in 2019. Ms. Underland earned a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Montreat College. She is a Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC).

Antitrust Guidelines Confidentiality Policy Standards of Conduct Acronyms Questions for SERC

Click on speaker’s name in agenda. Registered Entity Forum REF Steering Committee Speaker Bios

Drew Slabaugh

SERC Reliability Corporation Legal Counsel

Agenda WebEx Logon 2020 Outreach

Drew Slabaugh has been Legal Counsel with SERC Reliability Corporation for six years. Previously, Mr. Slabaugh was a law clerk for Judge Robert Conrad of the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina. Prior to attending law school, he was a consumer lending banker with SunTrust bank. Mr. Slabaugh has a Juris Doctor from Charlotte School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts degree with major in Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Antitrust Guidelines Confidentiality Policy Standards of Conduct Acronyms Questions for SERC

Click on speaker’s name in agenda. Registered Entity Forum REF Steering Committee Speaker Bios

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