O&P Compliance Seminar 2020


Agenda WebEx Logon 2020 Outreach

Revised O&P NERC Standards PER -006-1, PRC-002-2, PRC-012-2 PRC-025-2 and PRC-027-1

Marcus Beasley – SERC O&P Auditor

2 : 00 p .m.


2 : 30 p .m.

Antitrust Guidelines Confidentiality Policy Standards of Conduct Acronyms Questions for SERC

Update on Expanded Self Logging Program and Align Update Changes to IRA and COP Summary TO/TOP Registration

2 : 45 p .m.

R ick Dodd – SERC Senior CIP Compliance Specialist Janice Carney - SERC Senior Compliance Tim Ponseti - SERC Vice President Operations Todd Curl - SERC Senior Manager of Compliance Monitoring

3 : 00 p .m.

3 : 2 5 p.m

Click on speaker’s name in agenda. Registered Entity Forum REF Steering Committee Speaker Bios

3 : 45 p.m.


4 : 00 p.m.


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