Shelter® French Operator Manual | SF4200

Chimney Location and Clearances: Requires Class “A” HT 2100 All Fuel 6” Chimney

The furnace requires a minimum of 6 feet of chimney. When positioning the furnace, maintain the “10/2 Rule” for the chimney – In order to determine proper chimney height above the roof, measure from the side of the chimney horizontally. As you move up the chimney, the length of the measurement increases. Once this measurement reaches 10 feet, this height on the chimney is your base height. The chimney must be 2 feet taller than the base height. If the chimney is closer than 10 feet from the peak of the roof, the chimney must be 2 feet higher than the peak of the roof. The 2 feet above the base height does not include the cap. The furnace must be placed on a level, non-combustible surface or 4 foot x 8 foot concrete pad.

10 Feet

2 Foot Minimum

4’ x 8’ Level Concrete Pad


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