

Thank you

Doncaster Council and Get Doncaster Moving would like to thank everyone who has been so generous with their time and energy in our activities to better understand the social impacts of big sports events in Doncaster, try some things out on the ground, and identify what new action is needed to maximise the local benefits of future events. This includes many different people at Doncaster Council, National Governing Bodies (including British Taekwondo, British Cycling, England Boxing, Rugby League World Cup, Rugby Football Union), other local authorities (including Manchester, Liverpool, Harrogate, Gateshead) and event companies, all of whom shared successes and challenges. Sport England for supporting us through the Local Delivery Pilot funding to enable us to test and learn through our work and research to develop Gameplan. Finally, we would like to thank all the community- based organisations and communities who have worked with us around the Tour de Yorkshires, UCI Road World Championships, Women’s RFU Roses match and Rugby League World Cup events. We’ve lots more work to do together.

— Andy Maddox Strategic Lead, Get Doncaster Moving


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