

approach in practice. As the name suggests, Gameplan combines the familiar events planning cycle and a behaviour change framework called Gamification that has shaped the work in Doncaster. A visual representation of our model can be found on page 14. To further facilitate putting these ideas into practice, we have also produced easily applied templates and guides. These are hosted on the Get Doncaster Moving website along with case studies from Doncaster, sport National Governing Bodies (NGBs), and other local authorities. These will help bring ideas for maximising social impact to life. They are shared as a ‘pick and mix’ allowing others to select what looks useful and then make adaptations to the specific and unique context of each particular event and community in question. Gameplan encapsulates what we have learned in Doncaster about the key characteristics of ‘how’ to maximise the social impacts of big events using a human-centred and place- based approach to community engagement. We have learned that to do things better we need to do things differently . This requires moving away from the traditional funder- recipient relationship of top-down ways of planning, making decisions and delivering events, and short-term funding and impacts. This involves a ground-up, co-created approach, working closely with local people to identify opportunities through big events to make communities happier and healthier places where people want to live. Change also means having different start and finish lines when delivering a big event. There is a need to start planning and collaborating much earlier to understand what social impact looks like. We refer to this as Event Decentring . Event decentring involves identifying links or ‘hooks’ to wider issues (such as policy, inequality and local context) to help shift the focus to what the event does , rather than what the event is . The finishing line also needs to be much later after the event to allow more time for a Collaboration Kick-On and sustainable Gameplan Social Impact Handover Plan, to keep the momentum going. Our Gameplan provides a structure to develop more collaborative and focused approaches to co-creating events. At its heart, Gameplan prioritises achieving sustainable, varied and targeted social impacts with(in) communities. This supports the growing movement that demands the transformation of communities through social engagement, sport and physical activity. It is time for a shift in mindset that challenges local and event ‘systems’ to deliver, measure and value social impacts and success differently. Our Gameplan tactics set out tried and tested ‘hows’ to support building the new collaborations and ways of working. The application of these will result in doing things differently and, more importantly, doing things better.


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