
Navigating this Gameplan resource

It is recommended that Gameplan is read from start to finish. However, it has been designed to be flexible to individual needs and interests. For example, you may be particularly interested in tactics from the “Go” phase and start reading this section first. Whatever you decide, there are four helpful design elements that will assist your navigation of Gameplan.


Underlined text Underlined text refers to another tactic that is referenced within a tactic’s content. If you are using the electronic version, you can click on the underlined text to be redirected to that tactic. In the example below from Tactic 21, Keep it Local refers to Tactic 18 of Gameplan.

Colours indicate the stages of Gameplan. Headings, sub-headings, page borders and templates are coloured depending on the Gameplan stage.

Bold text


Bold text refers to glossary terms which can be found on pages 74–75.

Graphics help to visually summarise tactic content.


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