

Collaboration Kick-Off

Maximising the social impacts of big events requires everyone to make changes to the usual ways of working. Vague notions of an event benefiting local people need to become focused, tangible and collaborative social impact objectives that inspire and connect all those involved. This also brings challenges as it requires local stakeholders to work together, when they may never have before, or where significant tensions may exist between different groups. A Collaboration Kick-Off event is an important opportunity for key stakeholders to come together, develop and agree on the critical things required for maximum social impact from the start. This is the Gameplan. When developing the Gameplan it can be helpful to refer to the following related tactics: Event Decentring; Asset Mapping; Sludge; SPICED, SMART and Storied Social Impact Indicators and Evaluation Plan; and Earmarking People and Social Impact Funding . The Gameplan must include agreement on: • Specific social impact objectives (the social impact ‘why’ and what success will look like). • Target beneficiaries and their reasons to engage. • Defined activities and practical strategies for achieving social impact. • Stakeholder roles and responsibilities. • How to integrate planning and delivery of the Gameplan into existing structures, groups and planning processes. • Estimated costs to include in a social impact budget. • How to sustain social impacts, community engagement and Collaboration Kick-On after the event.

Bring stakeholders together to co-create a social impact Gameplan.


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