

sociability; it helps engagers to better process key information so they feel motivated and comfortable from the get-go.

Encourage a growth mindset

Encouraging a growth mindset supports greater learning and self-belief. A growth mindset acknowledges an individual’s abilities, resources and context, and the ability to change and embrace opportunities to learn. Encourage people to acknowledge and embrace their strengths and weaknesses, and be careful with the use of language. For example, instead of referring to something as ‘failing’, consider using ‘opportunities for learning’. We refer to this as Reframing . Role models can help convey this message by displaying positive attitudes, beliefs and behaviours for others to learn and replicate - playing upon social proofing. Provide a context where local communities are encouraged to come together to support and celebrate one another’s efforts and to provide a positive learning environment.

How Replace threat with comfort

Threats such as anxiety, embarrassment and self-consciousness prevent people from feeling welcome and comfortable when starting something new. Create an inclusive environment that feels psychologically safe and reduces feelings of threat. This helps people feel more able to participate fully in the activity and focus on learning new skills, leading to a greater sense of achievement. Simple and accessible ice breaker activities can be used as a helpful approach to make people feel more welcome and comfortable. These act as conversation starters, helping to relieve tension and build trust between the group. Making people feel welcome and comfortable helps generate a good impression so they are motivated to come back for more.



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