

adults or isolated older people, who are often hard to reach.

and stimulate different ways of thinking. In addition, the EAST framework (Easy, Accessible, Social and Timely action) for physical activity can help nudge thinking. Monitoring and evaluation of physical activity interventions Monitoring and evaluation to understand if the physical activity ‘why’ or objectives have been achieved is essential for understanding behaviour change. As with social impact, physical activity impact can be measured using indicator measures . The Six Influencer Framework is a tested approach for understanding people’s behaviour. It uses a five-point scale to assess progress against the following six domains:

Welcome and Belonging

This stage needs to be planned with a personal touch approach to build rapport, help participants feel welcome, and nurture a sense of belonging. A focus for the first meeting should be on exploring the local fuel and friction that will help or hinder their experience. These insights provide the foundation of the co-creation process, and help to generate ideas and interest.

Space and place

Choosing to Keep it Local is often the best bet as it benefits from being a home venue that is familiar and accessible for the target groups. However, choosing an away venue may also be appropriate, as a new location may remove any negative associations an individual or group has with a home venue. Co-create a timeline plan so that participants understand how things will work and the level of commitment required from them.

• Individual motivation • Individual ability • Social motivation • Social ability • Structural motivation • Structural ability

When combined with participant event stories a detailed and powerful picture of how to create behaviour change emerges. The Gameplan Physical Activity Co-Creation Template provides a helpful step-by-step guide to this approach.

Start the conversation

Co-creation is a collaborative process. To start the conversation, consider the Gamification framework to guide the co-creation process



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