

Community Engagement Planning Hand

Community engagement is a common objective of big events. What this actually means in practice is interpreted in many different ways, and is often not clearly defined by event stakeholders.

Plan to effectively engage communities and target groups in social impact activities.

Joined up thinking on the who, why and how

A Community Engagement Planning Hand is a helpful tool to plan the following: • Who will benefit from the event and the reasons behind this. • What actions need to be delivered to achieve the desired level and nature of engagement. • How responsibilities and resources are shared. • Measuring how people have engaged before, during and after the event. • What money and resources are needed to implement the plan. Work closely with community influencers Communities often rely on informal community influencers for sharing goals, delivering change and promoting ownership. These individuals often have the personality and skills to engage people, along with an intimate knowledge and understanding of local communities. They are passionate about making their community better and come from all walks of life. Some may be religious leaders, teachers and business owners, others may be prominent figures in local clubs and societies. This may also bring challenges as community influencers may only know their own community. This can be addressed by working with a variety of community influencers to gain knowledge of the entire community. Working closely with community influencers is essential for relationship building and will increase social impact and Social Buzz . Involve


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