

of event funding bids, or when justifying community investments. Indicators draw the outline but not the whole picture Social impacts are often associated with deeply personal experiences that cannot be recorded through surveys or by using indicator measures . Capturing event stories by talking to local people is a simple yet powerful way of understanding event impacts, and helps to identify areas for future improvements. Combining indicator measures and event stories helps community and individual experiences to be understood.

Pick the right tool for the job

Social Impact Monitoring Tools should meet the needs of the community, event and resources. Use the EAST framework of (Easy, Accessible, Social and Timely action) as a guide. Adopting new approaches like working with Community Explorers to monitor and evaluate big events also brings new possibilities for understanding social impact. The Gameplan Social Impact Monitoring Tool Template provides a helpful guide to this approach.

A consistent approach

All methods for capturing social impact must be consistent. This allows information to be compared before, during and after each event. Consistency also makes it easier to repeat the process for future events in the same communities and elsewhere, so impacts can be compared over time.

Build a library of event stories

How Do It Yourself (DIY) monitoring and evaluation plan

Collecting event stories provides a tangible record of personal connections between big events and local communities. Event stories have the advantage that recorded conversations with local people are quick and easy to conduct throughout the event cycle and are suitable for any event. They also provide valuable opportunities to build relationships and improve event outcomes through a personal touch approach.

Create a DIY plan, as one size does not fit all. Ideally, this should bring Social Impact Monitoring Tools together with any other requirements such as economic and environmental impact monitoring and evaluation. Having a combined plan increases consistency, makes better use of resources and, most importantly, provides a more complete picture.



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