

Tailored ‘activation’ tasters

proof that an activity is accessible and ‘for them’. Social Proof motivators can include: • Observing other people like them participating in an activity. • Group activities that involve familiar social groups rather than individual participation. • Reviews or testimonials from people who have participated in an activity. • Encouraging people to share their experience on social media and “tell your friends”.

Fan zones should be welcoming and fun, with a variety of social opportunities for varying abilities and interests. While not everyone will want to try a new sport, fan zones can provide other opportunities for involvement. This may include on-the-day activities such as community hosting to meet and talk to team heroes. Tailored activation tasters can be run on the basis of “try before you buy” with local communities invited to showcase existing sports clubs, activities and opportunities. This could include event stands located prominently in the community that act as physical activity shop windows, creating a high street of physical activity opportunities. Well developed events will have a clear on-the-day plan for attracting different audiences. It is nevertheless important that these activities are supported by signposting and follow-on work. For example, providing a family fun day two hours before a sports event can encourage physical activity, which is then reinforced by the Social Buzz of watching the big event. Further Co- create Physical Activity Opportunities after the event reinforces habit stacking .

Translate and show the possibilities

Translation is needed to convert the sport on show from its elite version into something more accessible to regular people. For example, an engager watching a cycle race can appreciate the athleticism of supremely fit cyclists dressed in lycra. Without translation, engagers are less likely to associate what they have seen with leisure cycling, or be motivated to ride their bike to the shops instead of taking the car.



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