

Community Explorers

Monitoring social impact is vital for understanding how big events affect communities. Involving local people as Community Explorers to collect social impact data provides another opportunity to build relationships and improve event outcomes. It also empowers communities to take control of their social impact destiny. When working with community influencers it is important to understand local dynamics. This includes both what unites communities as well as potential divisions - e.g., ethnic, political and other tensions. Knowing communities well is the key to accessing different community groups and navigating challenges to community engagement.

Work with local people to monitor social impacts during and after the event.

Collaborate, then co-create

Supporting local people to monitor social impact represents a commitment to collaboration. Involvement starts with Asset Mapping to identify connections between people and infrastructure. Once a Community Engagement Planning Hand is in place, it is time to talk to the community influencers . In most cases, these people will be well known community figures involved in local events, making it easy to know who to say “hello” to.

Let local people lead the way

Community influencers want to make where they live better, so it makes sense to work with likeminded people to capture the impacts from big events and benefit from their knowledge. In Doncaster, this approach has even led to a community forming its own events team.


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