2021 Growing Variable Energy Resources and Grid Reliability

Topics and Speaker Biographies

Dynamic Modelling Guidance for Inverter Based Resources

The seminar will cover the current state of the art for Inverter Based Resources (IBR), best modelling practices, and guidance to accommodate the increased penetration of IBR on the Bulk Power System (BPS). The seminar will focus on the difference between User-written and Generic Dynamic Models and proper implementation of each, methods to increase model accuracy to accommodate increasingly complex grid requirements, recommendations for modelling practices to improve the interconnection process, and case studies to support the previous recommendations.

Alexander Shattuck – Vestas Modelling Subject Matter Expert for the North America Region

Alex Shattuck is currently working for Vestas Wind Systems as the modelling subject matter expert for the North America region. His focus is on the dynamic modelling of the Vestas plant controller and turbines in order to ensure stable operation when connected to the grid. Alex’s daily responsibilities also include industry involvement and outreach to share knowledge and perspective to inform multiple working groups and standard drafting teams. He is currently co- leading the NERC IRPWG Item #8, “NERC IRPWG Reliability Guideline – Recommended Approach to Interconnection Studies for BPS-Connected Inverter- Based Resources” and is a member of the Standards Drafting Team for both NERC MOD-025 and PRC-019.


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