Friedman & Simon Injury Lawyers - February 2024

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Little acts of kindness make a big difference. If you’re having a hard day, any help can have a tremendous impact. If you’re stressed out, a moment of relief makes any obstacle feel surmountable. That’s why we celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day on Feb. 17, to spread awareness about how we can affect others with small but significant gestures. Not only does it feel good for the helper and the helpee, but helping others can have a ripple effect. If someone does something kind for you, you’re more likely to do something kind for someone else. This isn’t just speculation — it’s something I’ve personally experienced. When I started law school, my finances were tight. My fiancée (now wife) and I struggled to stay afloat. I didn’t like to ask for help, but we still managed to make it work. In those difficult times, a small act of kindness made all the difference. My mother gave me a little money — not thousands of dollars — and it was a huge relief. The ability to order out or

do something fun after days of working hard with no tangible reward was important.

for humanity. I hope that when I do these random acts of kindness for people, they feel like I did when I was broke in law school.

Now that I can support myself and have the ability to help others, I give a little, too. They’re not grand gestures of charity but random acts of kindness that make someone’s day better. For example, during the pandemic, I saw a nurse in scrubs trying to buy dinner. She forgot her wallet. I thought about how she was on the frontlines of COVID-19, working impossible hours to save lives. She probably had a family worrying about her every day. All she wanted was to get dinner and go home, but she lost her wallet. I paid for her dinner that night. It wasn’t much, just $20, but it might’ve made a major difference. I’ve done this five or six times since then. It’s rewarding every time. We’ve all been there: Things are piling up, and the world feels against you. Despite the weight, all it takes is one small thing to reignite your hope

“In those difficult times, a small act of kindness made all the difference.”

I hope it sparks kindness in them. As my story proves, random acts of kindness encourage others to do the same. People help each other when they see other people help each other. I’m telling these stories to inspire others to do their own small acts of kindness. Even with a jam-packed schedule, there is always room to do something kind. You could cover someone’s dinner or donate to charity, but it doesn’t have to cost money. Hold the door open for someone or compliment a stranger. If you see someone lost, put on a friendly face, and help them. You can offer help in many ways, but all of them can make a big impact. On Random Acts of Kindness Day, I encourage you to participate. You can even tell your friends. It won’t take long and doesn’t have to cost money. Together, we can make the world better with only a moment of time and effort.

-Michael J. Mills

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Injuries often hurt your wallet as much as they do your mind and body. The average injury requiring emergency treatment costs around $6,620, but the number can be much higher, and someone has to pay for it, but who? The answer can become complicated, as there are many types of injuries and many coverage-providers as well, but in many cases it’s more straightforward than you might expect. 1. WORKER’S COMPENSATION First, we ask our clients if they were working at the time of the accident or “on the clock,” even if they were driving. If they were, they are almost certainly entitled to workers’ compensation. Every state but Texas requires businesses with at least four employees to purchase workers’ compensation insurance. Despite this requirement, the specifics between the 49 states vary, and where you live can impact your case. 2. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Second, if not “on the clock,” we ask if you were injured in an auto accident. If so, in New York, No Fault insurance pays for your medical treatment whether you caused the accident or not. Treatment will be covered by the vehicle you were in at the time of the accident, or, if you were a pedestrian, the vehicle that hit you. The No Fault policy, generally speaking, has a limit of up to $50,000. No Fault will continue to pay for treatment until the policy is exhausted (treatment has reached $50,000) or a doctor assigned by the No Fault insurance carrier determines that treatment is no longer necessary. 3. HEALTH INSURANCE If the injury wasn’t caused by a car accident (or No Fault has been exhausted/denied), private health insurance (including Medicare) may be used for treating your injuries. Depending on the policy, they will cover some, most, or all of the cost. How much they pay varies significantly based on several factors, such as where you got treatment, your deductible, and what medications/treatments you may need. As stated above, coverage issues can become complicated. However, after an injury accident, the last thing you need to worry about is who is going to pay for your treatment. To avoid additional stress following an accident, give Friedman & Simon a call. Who Pays for My Injury Treatment Following an Accident?

To some, a nap is a vital part of a daily routine. To others, naps are accidents and should be avoided. Power naps — also known as “cat naps” — are short, usually around 15–20 minutes, and many believe such a tiny amount of sleep can’t be helpful. You can’t even get to the REM sleep stage. However, peer-reviewed studies show power naps can have many benefits for their minimal time investment. Here are three ways you benefit from adding a 15-minute sleep session to your daily routine. THINK CLEARER Napping is excellent for sharpening your cognitive powers. High sleep quality leads to better memory, fast response times, and mental clarity, so a power nap is perfect for fitting a little more into your schedule. But while a cat nap can sharpen your focus, a longer nap might hinder you. Long naps go through the entire sleep cycle and result in grogginess, impairing brain function for a short time. LOWER STRESS People get cranky when they’re tired. Less sleep causes aggression, emotional outbursts, and mood changes. Adequate sleep makes you feel a lot better — emotionally and physically. While power naps aren’t the solution to every problem, they can be a lifesaver in high-stress situations. Consider taking a cat nap if you’re under a tight deadline. Doing so can boost productivity and lower stress levels. LIVE LONGER Power naps help more than just the brain. They also benefit the cardiovascular system, as regular naps can lower blood pressure, which means you’re at a lower risk of a stroke or heart attack. People who don’t get enough sleep have more frequent headaches, immunological issues, and an increased appetite. Gaining weight then leads to many other health problems, so those who want to lose weight should also watch their sleep schedule. In short, fitting a power nap into your schedule regularly is a great idea. Cultures around the world take midday naps for a reason. If power naps don’t help you feel better, consider visiting a doctor. Constant exhaustion — especially insomnia — can indicate other health problems lurking. The Power of Power Napping A 15-Minute Nap Can Boost Your Mood, Happiness, and Health


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technologies alongside their children. Petros, a father from the U.S., reports: “Building the Ringo kit was an enriching experience, providing quality time and valuable learning for my son.” Such activities emphasize the role of parents as partners in learning, jointly navigating the exhilarating path of technological discovery. CIRCUITMESS WACKY ROBOTS: INTRODUCING ENGINEERING TO YOUNG MINDS For the younger demographic (ages 9 and older), Wacky Robots is an excellent initiation into the world of robotics. Designed for simplicity, it allows younger children to participate. Vladimir from Croatia shares, “Assembling the robots with my daughter was a joy; it sparked her curiosity in ways I hadn’t seen before.” This box simplifies the complex world of robotics into a playful and accessible format, perfectly suited for parents and children to explore together. Ultimately, what distinguishes these subscription boxes is their ability to transform an ordinary evening into an adventure of cooperation and discovery. Working together on a project, whether it’s building a robot or solving a technological puzzle, forges a unique bond. This shared journey through challenges and triumphs cultivates technical skills and deepens emotional connections. DIY subscription boxes like CircuitMess STEM Box and Wacky Robots can serve as portals to new realms of knowledge and collaborative experiences, turning parents into co-adventurers in their kids’ world of discovery. Families don’t just create projects; they craft lasting memories and strengthen relationships. SUDOKU

In an era increasingly dominated by digital screens, DIY subscription boxes have emerged as a refreshing medium for family bonding, offering more than just educational content but fostering memorable, shared experiences between parents and kids. Here are a few to consider! Creative Connections HOW DIY BOXES ARE REINVENTING FAMILY TIME CIRCUITMESS STEM BOX: A TECHNOLOGICAL BONDING EXPERIENCE At the forefront of this trend is the CircuitMess STEM Box, an excellent choice for kids ages 11 and older. This box includes projects like assembling a “Clockstar” smartwatch or crafting a “Wheelson” self- driving car. It’s a gateway to the complex world of AI and machine learning and a platform for parents to engage in these emerging

Classic Cheesecake

This classic cheesecake recipe is simple yet decadent and will leave your mouth watering!


• 24 graham crackers, crushed • 1/4 cup butter, melted • 3 8-oz packages of cream cheese, softened • 1 cup granulated sugar

• 3 large eggs • 1 tsp vanilla extract • 2 tbsp all-purpose flour • 1 cup sour cream

1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. Combine graham cracker crumbs and butter; press onto the bottom and up the sides of a 9-inch springform pan. 3. Beat cream cheese and sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer until smooth. 4. Add eggs, one at a time, beating until blended. 5. Add vanilla extract, flour, and sour cream; mix until blended. 6. Pour into prepared pan. 7. Bake for 45 minutes or until the center is almost set. 8. Cool completely before serving. Directions

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390 N. Broadway, #210 Jericho, NY 11753


How Small Things Make a Huge Difference INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 2 3 Reasons to Take a Cat Nap

Determining Compensation in Injury Cases

3 4

Family Fun With DIY Boxes

Classic Cheesecake

Teach Kids to Resolve Their Own Arguments!


When you hear the word “conflict” in the context of kids, you might think of schoolyard bullies or having to ground your kid. However, children have their own disputes, ranging from toddler tussles over toys to digital duels between pre-teens. While they are undeniably challenging, conflicts provide kids the chance to learn life lessons. They encourage young minds to put on their detective hats, explore new perspectives, reevaluate old ideas, and even cement the bonds of friendship. Use the following strategies to equip your child with the superpower of conflict resolution. EMPOWER PEACEMAKERS Conflict resolution skills are the compass that guides kids through the maze of life’s disputes. Here’s a map to help your child navigate these tricky waters:

the storm within. Reacting in a frenzy of anger is like tossing gasoline on a fire. • Speak Your Truth: Encourage your child to explain their side of the story in clear and simple words. Understanding each other’s viewpoints is key to conflict resolution. • Get Creative: Foster their inner Picasso of problem-solving. Encourage them to brainstorm solutions that cater to everyone’s wishes, like a culinary mastermind crafting the perfect dish. • Choose Respect: Teach your child the importance of treating others kindly, even when disagreements threaten to capsize the boat. These steps help kids patch up the current squabbles and cultivate emotional intelligence — a shield against future conflicts and a bridge to tolerance.

FOSTER ‘FUN’ CONFLICT-RESOLUTION EXPERIENCES IN THE HOME. Parents wield the magic wand in conflict resolution play. Organize family activities that mimic real-life conflict scenarios, like board games with rules that spark disagreements. These friendly bouts teach your child the art of keeping their cool under pressure. And don’t forget about the power of make-believe! Encourage your child to stage a conflict resolution drama. It’s not just fun; it’s a crash course in diplomacy.

Remember, every successful conflict your child conquers will give them

confidence. By imparting these skills early on, you gift them tools for a lifetime of harmonious interactions, both personally and professionally. So, let’s embark on this valuable conflict resolution journey together — the world will be a better place.

• Pause and Reflect: Teach your child the art of taking a deep breath and calming


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