Sensory Is Our Specialty
SPECIAL NEEDS 800 - 467 - 6222
V E C T A MO B I L E S E N S O R Y S T A T I O N S The Vec t a Mob i l e Sensor y St a t i on i s i dea l where space i s a t a premi um. I t turns any room i nto a re l ax i ng , d i s t r ac t i ng and empower i ng Mu l t i -Sensor y Room. I t s mi n ima l footpr i nt makes th i s per fec t for c l ass rooms , bedrooms , l i v i ng a reas , and med i ca l f ac i l i t i es . Appropr i a te for a l l ages and ab i l i t i es . A l l our equ i pment i s LED and des i gned for ease of use and ma i ntenance . Each Vec t a i nc l udes our hosp i t a l -gr ade d i s i nfec t ant spr ay to c l ean a l l the equ i pment and the ca r t . Vec t as can be ut i l i zed i n a va r i et y of ways . They can be used to ca lm anx i et i es i n s t ress fu l s i tua t i ons by prov i d i ng a un i que d i s t r ac t i on i n a busy env i ronment . By reduc i ng the speed of the equ i pment , you wi l l c rea te a re l ax i ng a tmosphere for pa t i ent s and the i r f ami l i es .
I f you need to a l er t a l etha rg i c per son , you can i nc rease the speed of the equ i pment , p l ay upbea t mus i c and of fer more engagement between the pa t i ent and the equ i pment .
Vec t as a re of ten used as a d i s t r ac t i on too l dur i ng d i f f i cu l t or pa i nfu l med i ca l procedures . D i rec t the focus towa rds the beaut i fu l l i ght s and sounds of the Vec t a dur i ng these t imes .
There a re three mode l s of t fh Vec t as - De l uxe (9VCTAD) , De l i ght (9VCTAH) , Fu l l (9VCTAH) . See our webs i te for more i nforma t i on (www. spec i a l needs toys . com/usa ) .
SNAP Projector Plug in Vecta main power cord and Projector will come on. You can unplug this at the back of the projector if not beneficial. Attach magnetic Projector Wheel to rotator. Choose the speed of the rotation with dial located on the front of the rotator. For calming, choose abstract wheel (Liquid Wheel show below). For alerting, choose a picture wheel (found on our website). Projector can be pivoted to project on any wall. The side knobs can be used to angle the projector on the ceiling or floor.
Bubble or Hurricane Tubes
Focal point of any Vecta Station.
Plug in Vecta main power cord and tubes will come on. LED lights gradually change colors. Bubbles/Beads (Hurricane) circulate through tube. Base of tubes provides a jack for the Ball Switch (included), Speed Dial for pump control & jack for a Color Controller (Deluxe & Delight)
Fiber Optics
Plug in Vecta main power cord and Fiber Optic Spray will come on. LED lights gradually change colors. Offer the strands for a captivating visual and tactile experience. Lay them on the individual for a calming weighted benefit. Play with the strands; "comb" them, braid them, use the ends for therapeutic brushing techniques. Strands should never be mouthed. Visual, Tactile Sensory Stimulation
Aroma Diffuser This diffuser is fan-based so no heat or water is necessary to diffuse the essential oils into your room. Add a few drops to the included filter and attach to the bottom of this diffuser (see manufacturer's directions). Additional filters are available. Scents can nurture moods; Lavender (calm); Peppermint (alerting); Orange (hunger).
Ball Switch
Olfactory Sensory Input
Textured Sensory Ball Switch provides tactile input as well as control. Plug the Ball Switch into the jack at the base of the Bubble or Hurricane Tube. Squeeze the Ball Switch - Bubbles/Beads stop. Squeeze again and Bubbles/Beads flow again. Ball Switch doubles as a stress ball to calm and relax individual. Control of Bubbles or Beads (Hurricane) in Tubes.
Auditory Stimulation
Use music to soothe anxious individuals. Controls are in the rear of the cart. Pop in your favorite CD, connect your phone or tablet with aux cord or use the radio when possible. Two high-quality speakers are installed in the front of the Vecta behind the tube.
VECTA Engagement Suggest i ons These a re on l y sugges t i ons and shou l d not be taken as med i ca l , ther apeut i c or educat i ona l adv i ce for t reatment or cure of any med i ca l cond i t i on . Ca lml y and s l owl y , present the VECTA to the i nd i v i dua l and ask i f they wou l d l i ke you to turn i t on . Remember tha t when p l ugg i ng the VECTA i n , a l l the equ i pment wi l l turn on a t the same t ime and speeds may va r y depend i ng on the prev i ous user . I t i s sugges ted tha t you turn the VECTA away f rom the i nd i v i dua l ' s d i rec t l i ne of s i ght so not to s t a r t l e them.
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Ad j us t the speed of the Bubb l e or Hur r i cane Tube to the i nd i v i dua l ' s preference or need . Not i ce the i r reac t i on to the speed you choose and ad j us t unt i l you reach the des i red s t a te . Pos i t i on the Pro j ec tor image where i t can eas i l y be seen by the i nd i v i dua l . Be awa re of the ang l e of the l ens so you do not sh i ne i t i n the i nd i v i dua l ' s eyes . I t may be bes t to a lways unp l ug the power sour ce of the pro j ec tor ( a t the back of the pro j ec tor ) a f ter us i ng the VECTA . Se l ec t the appropr i a te Pro j ec tor Whee l and a t t ach i t to the magnet i c rot a tor ( sma l l wh i te box a t the top of the pro j ec tor -b l ack magnet i c whee l ) . Ad j us t the speed of the Pro j ec tor to the i nd i v i dua l ' s preference or des i red s t a te . Of fer the F i ber Opt i c Spr ay to the i nd i v i dua l . A l l ow them to man i pu l a te the s t r ands wi th the i r hands or feet . Lay s t r and on l ap or a round shou l der s for we i ghted benef i t . Of fer the opt i on of mus i c , i f appropr i a te . Mi ght be good to have an aux cord on hand for phone and t ab l et use of s tereo . Consu l t wi th med i ca l and/or educa t i ona l profess i ona l s and/or pa rent s /gua rd i ans rega rd i ng the use of the Aroma ther apy D i f fuser . Some do not to l er a te sme l l s we l l . For add i t i ona l t r a i n i ng , p l ease cont ac t us for on l i ne or on- s i te Mu l t i -Sensor y Env i ronment Tr a i n i ng wi th Dr . Anthony McCrov i t z . 800-467-6222 or Ka ren@t fhusa . com
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SET UP INSTRUCTIONS **Read Instructions First**
The Vecta is a mobile cart that allows you to take the Multi-Sensory experience from room to room. The Vecta cart comes fully assembled with most of the equipment already installed. The Vecta has a UL power distribution and hospital-grade protection bar that allows you to plug all of the equipment into one fused power supply.
SHIPPING LIST Vecta Deluxe includes: 1.2M Interactive Bubble Tube Ping Pong Insert Balls/Beads Color Controller Ball Switch Integral CD Stereo (with MP3 compatibility) Vecta Cart 100 Tail, 2M Fiber Optic Sideglow with Light Source Acrylic Mirrors 12’ Electrical Cord Hospital Grade Power Strip TIDY BOX (rear of Vecta) Super SNAP Projector Effects Wheels Aromatherapy Diffuser/Oils Ball Switch Color Controller Funnel
Bubble Tube Additive (9BCAA) Bubble Tube Cleaner (9BCC) Music CD Key to Tidy Box
Step 1:
Remove Vecta Unit from original box. Locate the TIDY BOX in the rear of the Vecta. Remove all items from the Tidy Box. Verify that you received everything on the Shipping List.
Step 2:
Plug in the Vecta to make sure it is operational. Watch for lights to come on in the Bubble Tube base and listen for the pump motor to come on. Watch for the lights to come on in the fiber optic tails
Locate Bubble Tube stopper plug at the top of the Vecta stand. Remove stopper plug on top shelf and insert funnel. Add 2 oz. of Bubble Tube Additive into the Bubble Tube via the funnel. Add approximately 5 gallons of DISTILLED WATER ONLY. Stop approximately 3” from the top. (Purchase an extra gallon to add when the water evaporates.) Add water while unit is running. Speed adjustment is the black knob on the front of the Bubble Tube base. Allows you to regulate the flow of bubbles to customize the sensory/distraction session. Switch jack is located in the front of the Bubble Tube base will accommodate any ¼” jack switch. For 1/8” jack switches, you can purchase a jack adaptor from your local electronics store. All TFH Switches come with the jack adaptor. Color Controller connection is the larger of the two “telephone” jacks. The smaller one is for factory use only.
Unpack Color Controller with 6 ft. cord Locate the Color Controller jack at the base of the Bubble Tube. It is the larger of the two “telephone” looking jacks.
Connect the Color Controller to the Bubble Tube Base . Turn Controller “On” via the switch next to the cord.
Press all 4 buttons at the same time turns on and off the pump (affecting the bubble flow). Each button can be pressed individually or two or more at a time to produce up to 16 different color combinations.
The Fiber Optic Light Source is installed under the bottom shelf of the Tidy Box. The Fiber Optic Strands are attached to the Light Source. Carefully remove the zip ties from the Fiber Optic Strands The Fiber Optic Strands will come on when you plug in the Vecta. They will cycle through different colors slowly and also a “sparkle” feature. If you do not want the Fiber Optics Strands on, you can unplug them from the power strip at the back of the Vecta cart.
To mount the Super SNAP Projector to the top of the Vecta locate the black knob at the top of the Vecta stand next to the Bubble Tube stopper. Unscrew the knob and place the predrilled bracket at the base of the Super SNAP Projector over the bolt.
Screw the black knob on to the bolt (hand tighten). By loosening the black knob, you will be able to move the Super SNAP Projector to project the moving images anywhere in the room. The two knobs on the side of the Super SNAP allow you to point the projector to the ceiling or the floor. Plug in SNAP Projector to the power cord coming out of the top of the cart. See separate attached instructions for SNAP Projector operation.
Remove from original packaging and assemble per instructions in box. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for use. Place on top of Vecta stand or anywhere in room.
NOTE: When moving Vecta, place Aromatherapy Diffuser in Tidy Box to avoid breakage .
Step 8: STEREO
Stereo controller is located on the top back of the Vecta. The speakers are on the front on either side of the Bubble Tube. Insert CD and adjust volume. Use the Auxiliary plug for MP3 players or smart phones. This allows the user to have their preference of music for a more enjoyable experience. In some environments, you can also use the radio for music.
·Insert Ball Switch plug in the jack located on the front of the Bubble Tube Base. ·Activate the Ball Switch by squeezing the ball. The bubbles in the Bubble Tube will start and stop with every squeeze and release.
Carefully remove the protective cover from the mirrors behind the Bubble Tube and on each winged door. See “Maintenance of the Vecta” for cleaning information. There are two mirrored wings which allow the illusion of more than one bubble Tube. The wings can be moved 180 degrees. Close the wing flush to the Vecta cart and lock in place prior to moving.
Two wheels on the base lock by stepping down on the metal levers. Lift up on the metal levers to unlock.
Statement of Policy
TFH equipment is designed and manufactured only for supervised activity. This equipment must not be used unsupervised. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that the equipment is appropriate for the individual; that it is used safely; and put away when not in use.
Guarantee of Satisfaction
As you know, we’ve always been passionate about helping those involved with the challenges and joys of caring for those with disabilities. All our products are selected with great care to make play and learning opportunities available to everyone. Our reputation for quality is second to none and all TFH products are guaranteed for one year.
Full Year Limited Warranty
All TFH Products are guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship for one full year from date of shipment. Any such defect will be repaired or the product replaced, at our option, upon return to our offices. You must contact us for a return authorization before sending us any equipment on Toll Free 800-467-6222. All equipment will wear with use and no guarantee is made against normal deterioration. We recommend you inspect all weight bearing equipment, fittings and supports to guard against injury. Any alteration of equipment or improper use of equipment will void our warranties.
Technical Support
Technical Support is available for any issues you have with our equipment. Please call 800-467-6222 for more information.
Limitation of Liability
Our products are intended for supervised use and even though we use the finest materials available, we cannot guarantee freedom from injury. The supervisor assumes all risk of injury or applicability during use. All merchandise is sold under this condition, which no representative of the company can waive or change.
TFH Return Policy
If you are not happy with your purchase you may, of course, return it. To initiate this process, please call TFH at 800-467-6222 for a Return Authorization Number (RA number). This number must be written on the outside of each box being returned along with our address. Items returned without an RA number will be refused. We accept only unused/unassembled items in resalable condition. Return freight is the customer's responsibility unless an item was sent to you in error. Truck items must be returned by the same carrier that delivered them. Return freight must be prepaid. If merchandise is returned within 30 days of receipt in resalable condition, you will receive a full refund. If return is after 30 days but less than 90 days, a restocking fee will be charged. Restocking fees are: 31-60 days - 15%; 60-90 Days - 50%. Sorry no returns will be accepted after 90 days. All returned merchandise should be packaged securely to prevent damage and shipped pre-paid preferably insured USPS or UPS to the address below. If you feel an item is defective and would like reimbursed for your return shipping charges. If possible, use the box and packaging materials that your order was shipped in.
Please send returns to: TFH USA - Returns Department
4537 Gibsonia Road Gibsonia, PA 15044
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