What is Prevent Duty?
Prevent is about safeguarding individuals from being drawn into terrorism, ensuring those vulnerable to extremist and terrorist narratives are given appropriate advice and support at an early stage. Prevent is no different to any other form of safeguarding from harm. Even very young children may be vulnerable to radicalisation by others, whether in the family or outside, and display concerning behaviour. The Prevent duty does not require childcare providers to carry out unnecessary intrusion into family life but as with any other safeguarding risk, they must take action when they observe behaviour of concern.
How does Prevent affect you?
It is important to develop young people’s skills to be able to engage as active citizens in a democratic society, developing critical thinking skills so that they become resilient to and equipped to challenge divisive viewpoints and hate speech. You s hould have a clear understanding of how the holding of views which endorse extremism can lead to safeguarding issues for the wellbeing of the individual young person.
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