building is a library. II Timothy 2:15 tells us to study to show ourselves approved unto God. The more you know the more influence you will have. Be informed on the things that are essential to life. Be ready thereby to give an answer to every man /that asketh you, a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear. Of course, you will need a bedroom. We are so restless. There must be a place where we can get away from the cares and worries and lean wholly upon our Saviour. Did you ever find that the more you worry about some thing the better off you became? Do you find that you get a better answer if you worry a while? Of course not, but this is the way we act. “Come unto me,” said the Lord Jesus. “Cast ing all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.” The Saviour wants to give us rest. Oh, how desperately we need it. Then there should be some toilet facilities in this house. Things get into our systems, our souls and hearts, that need to be washed out. Dirty hands don’t defile us, but those evil things from within our hearts. There must be someplace we can go to get rid of all these filthy things. Get alone with your Lord; confess it all to Him and let the precious blood of Christ cleanse you from all sin. Then there should be an attic in this house. We need to have a place where we can store away things that we may want to use in the future. Of course we also need an electrical sys tem to see where we are going. Jesus is our light and in Him there is no darkness at all. This can be a lovely house you are building for eternity. What have you done about it today? Sit down and count the cost. Decide, as far as you are concerned, that you are going to construct something that will last for eternity and something that will en able people to know that you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ; that you are saved by grace. What an unspeak able joy there is in building for all eternity. 11
Dr. Wilson at the Mike
Dr. Walter L. Wilson, this month's radio speaker, before theKBBI-BIOLA HOUR microphone.
room in the house. Ephesians 5:19 admonishes us, “Singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord.” The devil does not like singing Chris tians, people who go around with a radiant spirit and a happy voice. No one wants to be around a person who is always grumpy and down in the dumps. There are some who seem to delight to find fault with everything and everybody. Think of the Gospel song: There is sunshine in my soul today, More glorious and bright, Than glows in any earthly sky For Jesus is my light. When somebody hurts your feelings can you sing that song? When things go wrong and the cake, that you were going to have for company at dinner, falls, can you sing “Hallelujah, ’tis done” ? A singing Christian cannot be whipped. This is the type of be liever who wins souls. David said, “Restore unto me the joy of thy sal vation. Then will I teach transgres sors thy ways, and then will sinners be converted unto thee.” Another important part of your
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