RADIO QUESTIONS ANSWERED with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg
Q . Vancouver, British Columbia— “Where does it actually say that the H i,000 in the hook of Revelation are to do preaching during the tribulation? Is this not just speculation?” A. No, it is not! Revelation 7:9 tells us, “After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number.” These are the redeemed ones. They are singing because they have been washed in the blood of the Lamb; they have come out of great tribulation. In verse 14, we are told that their robes are made white through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Immediately a f t e r these things they are sealed for the testi mony of God and for their witness. The Apostle John did not even know who these were. “And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest” Certainly John would have known the constituency of the church. He spoke of it graphically in Revelation two and three. He does not know these because they are those who come after the church is rap tured. They are the fruits or spirit ual returns from the ministry of the 144,000. Look not only at Revelation chapter seven, but also the 14th chap ter, verses one to five. Q . Oakland, California — “Are the de scendants of Esau Gentiles? Also are there Nomadic Jews in Arabia, and are they Israelites or Mohamme dans?” A. Yes, the descendants of Esau are Gentiles. We have not heard that there are any Nomadic Jews in Arabia.
Certainly there would not be very many. We know of the animosity with the Mohammedans. We might add that one of the most remarkable con firmations of the prophetic Scrip ture is the return of the Jews to their national home l and in Palestine. Some have come from the Arab areas for refuge and peace in the Israeli state. Q . Seattle, Washington — “How can one reconcile your fellowship plan with Romans 13:8?” A. Our fellowship plan is the means whereby Christian friends invest monthly, as the Lord leads and en ables, in the ministries of Biola. They are supplied with envelopes for a 24- month period. This is for their ease and convenience in planning their stewardship. The specific verse reads, “Owe no man any thing, but to love one an other: for he that loveth hath ful filled the law.” The Biola fellowship plan does not mean to sign an irrevo cable note. A person indicates his purpose to become a part only as God enables. This is a Scriptural basis for in Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church his whole burden is a com mitment and a carrying out of the covenant (II Corinthians 8:10, 11). This church had “gone on record” that they wanted to assist in a finan cial or tangible manner. Paul com mends them for it. But he tells them not just to promise, but also to fulfill their desires. In our fellowship plan we want our friends to look to the Lord first of all. He is the only One who can truly guide and direct. This is a spiritual
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