lar manner, you think that becoming a Christian means that we become good. It is true that it includes all of that, but it is really a by-product. Then it says that “all things are become new.” That means not just some things, but rather every part of our being. When I was born as a little baby I had physical life. I moved into an experience of living geared to that IT WAS GOD Have you ever stood on a mountain top, And viewed the scenes below: And you knew in your heart, that it was God Who planned it, and made it so. He made the stars that shine at night, And the moon He hung up high: He made the clouds that bring the rain, And set the bow in the sky. He made the sun to shed its light On His children of every land; The earth and sky, and the rolling sea, Are held by His mighty Hand. What is man that he should boast Of the things that he has won: We are but dust, the Bible says, When this life on earth is.-done. So let us lay our treasure up Where nothing can molest, And we shall hear these welcome words, "My child, you've done your best." — Lena McMinn development. But when I became a Christian, a new act of creation took place. A Christian isn’t someone who is better. A born-again believer is one who is absolutely new. In England when wintertime comes, the leaves fall off the trees to the ground. When springtime comes, God doesn’t have to get those old leaves, dust them off and put them back on the trees again. The Lord causes the trees to send out new leaves. The whole of nature does this
Dr. Arnold Ehlert, Biola Librarian. Many Christian friends have invested books and used libraries for Biola College. If you have volumes you would like to see used, contact Biola.
whether in the vegetable or animal kingdom. God doesn’t put up with second-hand things. He isn’t concerned about patching people up. The new quality of life we get is eternal life. It is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself living in us through His Holy Spirit. The proof of your true Christian faith isn’t that you are a good Presbyterian, or Baptist, or Lutheran, or any other denomination. The proof is that Jesus Christ is living in you through His Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus called it being born again. That is how He witnessed to Nicodemus. How about you? Are you uncertain and uncom fortable? Are you quite sure of this greatest of all life’s questions? Why don’t you become a new creature in Christ Jesus asking him into your heart so that you can enter into the real business of being a Christian. May the Lord Jesus Christ so live in your heart that things will become new, not just respectable, and defi nitely not uncomfortable, but so won derfully, thrillingly new through His matchless love and grace!
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