H aving come from a Christian home, the son of a minister, at the age of five I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart and com mitted my life to Him. By the time I w a s in h i g h school I knew that God was calling me into the ministry. Spiritually imma ture, and not will ing t o relinquish some of my own amb i t i on s , I did not a ll ow God’s John MacArthur Holy Spirit to have control of my life. I became interested in the pursuit of an athletic career. All of my ability was aimed in that direction. The plan of God was put in the background in favor of my own desires. I received some scholarships to continue my ath letics at various colleges. As a result, my first year at col lege was miserable. I failed to witness for the Lord and I had no concern for His high calling for my life. On the way home from school with six other young people, our car sud denly flipped over and began to spin and skid on its top, racing down the road. I was thrown clear out and landed on my back sliding some 150 feet. Approximately 70 square inches of my back was scraped from a quarter to a half inch deep. Even though I was in a state of shock, I was fully aware of what had happened. Many things began to shoot through my mind. I grasped one thought and held it there. It was th is: God is speak ing to you, John. This is a result of your disobedience to His calling, and your failure to give the Lord His rightful place. There on that roadside I dedicated my life anew to the Lord. It was at that moment that I truly became a vessel in Christ’s hands. My entire life was changed. The time spent here at Talbot The ological Seminary has been the richest of my life. I thank God continually for His grace in allowing me this privi lege. 33
TALBOT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY TESTIMONIES O RIGINALLY MY intention was to re turn to my home in Colorado when I finished Biola College. The Lord directed me to go on, however, and I am now studying at Talbot The
ological Seminary. It has been my joy to be in the New Te s t ame n t Lan guages department. At the age of six I accepted the Lord. Th i s was largely due to my grandmother who not only took an interest in me as
Don Furrow
her relative, but also because she was concerned for my soul. She told me about Christ, and faithfully read the Bible. She had me memorize passages of Scripture before I could ever read or write. To this day, I can remember her praying in an audible manner, asking the Lord to take me and use me as a minister of the Gospel. When I was graduated from high school I told myself that I wanted to go to Colorado State College and study biology. But there was never any peace or assurance in my own mind about that decision. Then, one day, my Sunday school teacher asked me why I didn’t consider Biola. My reply was that I would, and all of a sudden I knew I should apply immediately. During my freshman year one of the assigned requiremnts was to read the book of Psalms. What a blessing this was, and through it I have found this tremendous verse: “Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies” (Psalm 108:13). This is the key to a victorious Chris tian life. I no longer had to feel the effects of defeat when I relied on God to be my source for Christian living. How wonderful He has been to me as I seek to serve Him.
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