years as Field Evangelist covering Mindanao and Sulu. I have a Philippine-wide ministry today as evangelist with the Philip pine Crusades. This is a service agency h e l p i ng about fifty-four evangelical groups in this country along the line of evangelism, revival meetings, religious emphasis minis tries in Christian schools, convoca tions in both public and private high schools and colleges, inter-church activities and city-wide crusades. Aside from my full-time ministry on evangelism, I have also a four fold responsibility laid by the Lord on my heart. These are two orphan ages, a youth camp and a happy home for the aged Christian work ers. I have been asked this question, “What prompted you to start these institutional gospel ministries when your hands are already full with the task of direct evangelism?” When one is constrained to do a thing de spite the fulness of his hands, he can deduce that there is an urgency. To the burdened soul this urgency can very well be rated as an emer gency. The children of the poor and the dead must be helped out of pov erty and disease; kept away from the early snare of crime and delin quency; delivered from the deceit and enslavement of communism; and above all we must lead these young, neglected children on the way to God. The Christian youth of this country should come togeth er in an inter-denominational fel lowship to edify one another and to share in the solution of numerous common problems. The happy home for the aged should comfort our old Christian workers who have unre servedly invested their youth, time and talents for the cause of the gos pel. This should encourage, with out doubt, our young workers to go on in the ministry. Also this may help to discourage them from en tertaining the feeling of insecurity and despair in the coming days. May God help us in these great life time tasks.
O P ER A T IO N FIREBRAND coming from the Philippines Fred Dumaran
B rethren and F riends of the United States of America: With great pleasure in my heart I send you Christian greetings from the Philippines, one of the ends of the earth. The greatest single force in the remaking of this “Pearl of the Ori ent Seas” is the Gospel. The Bible declares that the Gospel “is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth . . .” On this premise I base my brief testi mony of Christian life and service in which my family and I have been so devotedly involved these many years. My wife and I were converted to the Christian faith during the grim days of the last world war. Six months after our conversion, our first-born child died. It shook our faith, but the grace of God sus tained us. Through adversities the Lord led us and made us overcom ers. At the first opportunity after liberation, assured that God was calling us to full-time service, we en rolled in Ebenezer Bible College, Zamboanga City. Trials and test ings abounded in the course of our training, but the grace of God met our every need. After finishing our ministerial training, we went to the field with the assurance of being “more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” I served as Pas tor with the Christian and Mission ary Alliance for nine years and four
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