Biola Broadcaster - 1964-09

years old, had contracted double pneumonia. The doctor told her he couldn’t possibly live. So she said, “Doctor, will you stay with my little boy while I go into my bedroom and pray for him?” With wet cheeks she said, “Dr. Wilson, I did. I laid right down flat on the floor and sobbed out my sorrow to God. I told Him, ‘God, please don’t take my little boy. You know my husband is gone. I’ve no relatives. The only living person I have is this little boy. Please don’t take him away from me.’ And Dr. Wilson, he got well. The Lord gave him back to me.” Just then she broke into terrible, terrible weeping. She couldn’t even talk. Finally she told me, “This morning the sheriff took my boy away to the penitentiary for an awful crime. He will get 20 years. Would to God he had died when he was a baby boy!” God sees and knows the end even from the be­ ginning. Perhaps this would not have happened if God’s will had been de­ sired above the human will. God knows the future of our babies. So, in His loving kindness and grace, He does something that we can’t under­ stand at all. He comes in and takes whomever He wants. Fine young mothers who leave babies behind or find strong daddies who leave loyal families behind. He takes all kinds of folks away. He comes when it is time, for it is appointed unto men once to die and after that the judg­ ment. The atheist may say that there isn’t anything after this life. But God’s Word is true. How would you like to run the universe for a while? The man who thinks he could do a better job of it probably can’t even run his own home. But the Saviour is able to do all things. If you have lost a baby, go to the Lord and say, “Thank you, Jesus. You took the baby because you love babies and I’m glad you took mine. You wanted an­ gels to raise my little one.” Look up with gladness amid your tears. How wonderful to have this solace and as­ surance during the deep waters and dark trials of life. 4

the Saviour. Are you doing it? A recent news article tells of some teenagers who got into a church, took mattresses out of the nursery, and put them on the platform where they committed indecent and immoral acts. Afterwards they wrote vile and filthy language on the walls and benches. Now, how did they get that way? No Bible, no God, and no Christ is the answer. Their parents or adults have to share largely in their blame. People will frequently ask me, “When a baby dies, does it go to heaven?” I am quite persuaded that this is certainly true. You remember what Jesus said about the babies that died. He declared that their an­ gels always behold the face of the Father. It seems that there are spe­ cial angels appointed to take care of babies. Wouldn’t that be a lovely job? You know, I wouldn’t mind taking care of 40 or 50 babies if I didn’t have to fix bottles, boil the nipples, and change diapers for them. As a doctor I just loved to bring babies into the world and to take care of them after they had come. When a little one dies and we place the body into the ground, do you think that an adult spirit comes back into the baby’s body? The baby’s spirit, of course, goes to heaven. If it grew up there it would be an adult spirit coming back into a baby’s body. This doesn’t seem reasonable. In my judgment the baby’s spirit stays that way up there until the resurrection. If you plant a grain of popcorn in the ground, it doesn’t come up as big as country gentleman corn, does it? If you plant a seed of any type in the ground, it comes up just the kind of a thing it went down. As another interesting aspect of this, I wonder how many of you have prayed very earnestly for your little one to get well when it was sick. Perhaps the little one died. The hard­ est thing is to thank the Lord for that. A woman came into my office one day terribly grieved. She was sobbing and weeping declaring, “God did answer my prayer.” She had a little boy who, when he was three

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