of His grace; the unsearchable riches of Christ. The Bible also tells us how to get rid of all our worries and to enjoy the peace that passeth all understand ing and a love that passeth knowl edge. You won’t find this kind of understanding in an encyclopedia. You cannot figure the love of the Saviour for us since we don’t deserve WHAT BRINGS SALVATION
heart to Him just tell Him you expect His forgiveness as He promised. He will fulfill His end of the eternal bar gain. You will be left with a record which will be whiter than snow. Another i n te r e s tin g verse is, “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20). Go down to the seashore and you will see stones, rocks, boulders and all things which litter the beach. Then, when the tide comes in, you go back to see what is left. They are all cov ered with the waves. Where the rocks abounded the water did much more abound. So it is with God’s grace. Our lives are so full of things that are wrong. Then we come to the Lord Jesus Christ and with His precious blood He covers us, washing away the iniquities and trespasses of our lives. We also read that God is abundant in goodness and truth. In Exodus 34: 6, we find that, “The Lord God is merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.” His mercies fail not; they are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22). You can come and borrow from Him at any time you have a need of heart and life. But remember, if you don’t come and get it now you will not get it after you die. There are those who would sell their soul for what is be yond the grave. But they are foolish. They have no control over the body, soul, or spirit. No one does after an individual dies. You must come for mercy now as the door of grace is abundantly opened to you. The Lord’s mercies will not fail. They are un searchable and unlimited. Think of all the wonderful super latives in God’s Word. Beloved, come to Christ with your whole life. Don’t hold back a single thing. Don’t be ashamed to come. Don’t listen to the devil. God loves to have sinners come and receive what He has to give. He will hold out nothing on you, no mat ter what your need may be. Trust the Saviour with your whole life and soul. He will make you whiter than snow, and then take you to glory when it is time to go. 6
It is not thy repentance, Thy sorrow or thy tears, That bringeth thee salvation Or drives away thy fears: “ It is the cross of Jesus, His death on Calvary That wrought out full atonement For such as -you and me. It is not what thou doest, Or what is left undone: Or giving up a habit, By which salvation's won. ^ Salvation is not winning 'Tis something to receive, God's free and gracious offering To all who will believe. You say, " I read the Bible, In prayer I . daily bow." You say, "Why, I am doing The best that I know how!" But even were thou perfect, The old back score remains; It needs the blood of Jesus To wash away thy stains. Then why not cease thy doing— That way is always wrong— And yield thy will To Jesus, And join redemption's throng? Say, "Lord, I take salvation," Nor doubt that Thou art heard. For, He who dwells in heaven Forever keeps His Word.
— James M. Gray it whatsoever. I John 1:7 tells us that the blood of Jesus Christ is able to cleanse us from all sin. Did you get that? He will cleanse us from all sin. Perhaps you a re harboring some thoughts right now in your heart. You can’t hide them from the Lord even though you have been able to do so from your loved ones. God sees them anyway. As you pour out your
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