‘The 5 Second Rule’ Mel Robbins Shares the Secret to Everyday Courage
You’re standing on a diving board high above the swimming pool. Below, you see several friends who have already jumped in. If you don’t jump in too, they’ll never let you live it down. You take a deep breath and start counting. Five … Four … Three … Two … One! Many people find themselves counting when they are dealing with an emotional situation. Maybe they need to rein in their anger or psych themselves up to overcome anxiety. What’s interesting is that counting down in these situations is more than just an odd habit — it's a psychological tool that can help you overcome life’s greatest challenges. This discovery inspired CNN commentator and motivational speaker Mel Robbins to write her bestselling book, “The 5 Second Rule,” and teach anyone how to become their own cheerleader. Our brains are constantly trying to protect us, which is they we are often so resistant to change or the unknown. Anything could happen, and our brains employ a host of physical weapons to keep us
us jump off the high dive — you are forced to focus on the idea. For five seconds, you put the knowledge of what you want over the fact that you just don’t “feel like it.” Then, at the end of your countdown, you have a jolt of energy that drives you forward. Robbins calls this jolt the “push moment.” The push moment gets you off the couch for a morning run, back on your project for work, or away from that piece of chocolate cake.
What makes Robbins'
in familiar territory, where it’s safe. As Robbins puts it, “If you have an impulse to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill the idea.” Why does counting down help us keep our brains from killing our motivation? The same reason counting down helps
5 Second Rule really interesting is that each success compounds on itself. Each time you allow that push moment to drive yourself toward your goal, you achieve greater and greater success. There is never a “right moment” to start on a goal. Our brains will always come up with a reason for us to stay the same and not take that leap. But it’s our instinct to do more that ultimately drives us to push forward in life. In “The 5 Second Rule,” Robbins explores how a simple concept can change your life for the better. The truth is that all that stands between you and achieving your goals is just five seconds.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Matthew 7:8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to himwho knocks it will be opened. Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
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