Housing Choices Australia has a range of partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and organisations. Every day we partner with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, residents, clients and Aboriginal Controlled service providers to create resilient and inclusive neighbourhoods and support residents to sustain their tenancies. Over the past two years, our RAP Committee has actively promoted events and activities that support reconciliation and actively engaged with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and organisations. Housing Choices Australia promotes reconciliation and cultural understanding by ensuring that a Welcome to Country is performed at all major events and an Acknowledgement of Country at all minor events and meetings. In preparing the Reflect RAP, the RAP Committee completed an initial mapping exercise to identify our current partnerships, the potential for strengthening them and establishing new relationships. Housing Choices Australia has existing memberships with state-based Reconciliation organisations in South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia, New South Wales and Victoria. Housing Choices Australia recognises that more needs to be done to strengthen our relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, organisations and communities. By commencing a journey toward reconciliation, Housing Choices Australia is confirming its commitment to building stronger relationships and deepening respect.
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