Emergency Medicine GEO - FACULTY HANDBOOK

CRITERIA FOR INITIAL APPOINTMENT, REAPPOINTMENT, PROMOTION AND TENURE INSTRUCTOR Individuals appointed as Instructors generally have recently completed a doctorate/ post-doctoral period and thus have minimal experience in professional activities (teaching, research, service). Aptitude for developing expertise in teaching, research and/or service is judged by recommendations from mentors, publications, presentations Appointment, reappointment, or promotion to the Assistant Professor level is based on the candidate's educational and professional background, recommendations from colleagues/peers, and the candidate's potential for developing, sustaining and ultimately leading a teaching portfolio consistent with the educational needs of the department and/or Unit. In general, assistant professors at the time of initial appointment may have completed two or more years of postdoctoral training, published multiple papers in quality journals as senior author or co-investigator, and/or demonstrated evidence of other scholarly activity in education (such as a substantial teaching training during graduate or post-doctoral training). Application for local or regional training grants and fellowships and academic performance. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Candidates for appointment, reappointment, or promotion to Associate Professor have fulfilled the expectations described for appointment to Assistant Professor. Initial appointment as Associate Professor is based on excellence in teaching and mentoring, noteworthy service accomplishments, and publication of scholarly research. These accomplishments should be addressed in the letter requesting this appointment. A national reputation as a scholar, teacher and mentor are required for appointment or promotion at this rank. Research accomplishments in education and/or in the specific content area(s) of the department are required and can be documented (for example) by funded grants, contracts and fellowships, publications, scholarly works, applying for or renewing accreditation, presentations of papers at conferences, organizing conferences or sessions at national or international meetings and/or playing a leadership role in strengthens the application. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR

national or international scientific organizations andgroups. Evidence of excellence in teaching/mentoring include:

1. Teaching commitments may include development and sustaining courses and curricula, lecturing in courses for medical, graduate or undergraduate students; supervising laboratory sections; developing highly rated courses within a program. 2. Supervising and mentoring graduate or undergraduate students; supervising and mentoring post-doctoral fellows; and/or other instructional experiences.



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