Emergency Medicine GEO - FACULTY HANDBOOK

time responsibility, and general extent of involvement in College of Medicine and University matters.

V. Officers of the Faculty Forum The Faculty Forum shall elect a President and President-elect on a biennial basis. The office of President shall alternate between members of preclinical and clinical departments. The President of the Faculty Forum has the responsibility to make certain that election ballots are distributed to all voting members of the Faculty Forum. The President and President-elect/or past President shall serve as voting members of the College of Medicine Council during their terms of office. The President of the Faculty Forum will have the authority to establish any ad hoc committees as needed. VI. Meetings 1. The Faculty Forum shall hold meetings at least once per each three-month period, preferably monthly. 2. An agenda and supporting documents for each meeting shall be prepared by the president of the Faculty Forum and distributed to all faculty, Heads and Deans at least three days prior to each meeting. Proposals raised at any meeting shall be referred to the agenda of the next meeting unless a two-thirds majority of those present and voting shall determine that the 3. Proposal is of such immediate importance as to suspend the rules or is a continuation of a matter already before the body and not a newtopic. 4. Special meetings of the Faculty Forum for review of a specific, stated issue or issues may be called by the Faculty Forum President, the Dean of the College of Medicine, or upon request of twenty-five (25) voting members of the Faculty Forum. Not less than 72 hours advance notice must be given to the Faculty Forum of any special meeting and its agenda. 5. The presiding officer of Faculty Forum meetings shall be the President of the Faculty Forum or in his/her absence, the President-elect of the Faculty Forum. The presiding officer shall vote on matters before the faculty only in case his/her vote can affect the result. 6. A secretary shall be appointed by the President of the Faculty Forum to provide an accurate record of the proceedings of each meeting. This record shall be distributed to the members of the Faculty Forum, the Heads and the Dean at least one week in advance of the next meeting for approval or amendment at that meeting. 7. The Dean of the College of Medicine or the Dean's designees, the elected University Faculty Senators, and an AAUP representative from the COM shall make regular reports at Faculty Forum meetings. The rules contained in the most recent revised edition of "Robert 1s Rules of Order'' shall govern the Faculty Forum in all those cases which are applicable, and in which they are consistent with the Bylaws of the College of Medicine. The President of the Faculty Forum may appoint a Parliamentarian whose duty it shall be to ensure that these rules and the provisions of these Bylaws are adhered to in the conduct of meetings of the Faculty Forum. The Parliamentarian shall serve at the pleasure of the President of the Faculty Forum.



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